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BannerImages F&S Aug2021
Meet the Team

If you’d like to get in touch with members of the Faith and Society Team, please call the Team on 01235 517700 or use the contact details below:
Centenary Enabler Jane Day Click here to email
Communications: Creative Design Mat Gale Click here to email
Communications Manager Mike Lowe Click here to email
Ecumenical and International Coordinator Hilary Treavis Click here to email
Hong Kong Response Co-ordinator Sharon Shek Click here to email
Justice Enabler Wale Hudson-Roberts Click here to email
Media Enquiries Mike Lowe Click here to email
News and Baptist Times Paul Hobson Click here to email
Public Issues Enabler Steve Tinning Click here to email
Team Leader Diane Watts Click here to email
Website and Resource Coordinator  Mary Parker Click here to email
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