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Anthony Reddie for Bristol Baptist College

Bristol Baptist College has announced the appointment of Dr Anthony Reddie as College Tutor and Coordinator of Community Learning.

Anthony ReddieA renowned theologian, Dr Reddie is the author and editor of many books, chapters and articles including most recently Black Theology, Slavery and Contemporary Christianity (2013), and the SCM Core text Black Theology (2012). He was a speaker at the BMS World Mission Catalyst Live event in November, has spoken regularly at Greenbelt and gave the Martin Luther King Lecture in Oxford in October 2013.

Dr Reddie is a visiting research fellow at Aston University and former research fellow at the Queen's Foundation for Ecumenical Education, Birmingham. His previous experience is in the areas of Christian Education and Youth and Community work. He worships at Highgate Baptist church in Birmingham.

Principal the Revd Dr Steve Finamore said everyone at the college is thrilled that Dr Reddie is joining the team.

‘We are looking forward to having him as a colleague and to the contribution he will make to the education of our students.

‘We feel very grateful to God that such an experienced and influential Christian educator will be working alongside us.

‘In particular we are pleased that someone with such enthusiasm for the life of the churches will have oversight of our Community Learning ministry and we hope that will develop in some exciting new directions.

‘In addition we are delighted that Anthony will be bringing his experience as an evangelical theologian into our teaching programme. We are especially pleased that we will bring his insights from Black and liberation theologies into the life of our College community.’
Baptist Times, 10/04/2014
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