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Opinions/Reflections July - December 2015 

The beauty in the building
How should we as Christians think about magnificent buildings? By Colin Sedgwick
Don’t panic, Captain Mainwaring! 
It's not the proposal to abolish collective worship in schools that's more dangerous, but our potential reaction to it
Twenty reasons to go to church 
You're speaking to a group connected to the church, but rarely, if ever, join in Sunday worship. Here's what you could say
The centre or the heart beat? 
Should our main Sunday gathering draw everything in, or be the place that gives life to one another and the activities we are involved in?
You were not on that beach in Tunisia… 
And you were not in that church in Charleston… but the events there have changed you
Was this really a misguided zeal? 
A dilemma with his hairdresser leads Colin Sedgwick to wonder whether we have lost our evangelistic nerve
Being a Christian in the Middle East 
There is major concern, but not despair, writes Azar Ajaj
Our neighbours, and breaking the ice...
Heather Skull considers why we should be reaching out to those around us in friendship and what the result might look like...
Advice to a young pastor 
Reflecting on his long ministry, an experienced Baptist pastor offers 25 tips for those just setting out
Were the Pharisees really so awful?
Better understanding of the Pharisees should give fresh insight into Jesus himself, writes a retired Baptist minister
Responding to a day in Calais
Teenage Baptist Matt Dominey visited the refugee camp in Calais last week. These are his reflections
Sort out your affairs, Ashley Madison 
Why do people have affairs – it's all about SEX right? Well apparently not...
Jesus said, “I am the door...
General Secretary Lynn Green shares reflections on the recent Baptist World Congress held in Durban, South Africa
Are you happy in your church? 
It may not be perfect, but here are five suggestions that could strengthen your commitment to your church
The pigeon: a metaphor for the Holy Spirit?
Six reasons why we should stop looking for doves, and start noticing pigeons
Where have all the APEs gone? 
A strange sounding question, but one that explains why the Pioneer Collective has a vision to identify 400 Baptist pioneers
Euthanasia - can we live without it? 
A look at Assisted Dying ahead of a Parliamentary debate on Friday (11 September)
Will autumn damage your church's health?
John Rackley questions the demands many churches place on themselves at this time of the year
Dialogue and dancing in Durban
Birmingham-based chaplain the Revd Dr Doreen Morrison shares reflections on the 21st Baptist World Congress
Spotlight on asylum seekers
The founder of a Christian organisation serving destitute asylum seekers shares insights into the UK's response to the refugee crisis
What's it like to be 375 years old?
A reflection on King's Stanley Baptist Church marking its 375th anniversary and its joint celebration with eight others
'The call needs to be lived out'
Paul Beasley-Murray introduces his new, four volume guide for pastors that draws on his 43-year career in ministry
How can God love me? Just as you are
Many people feel unworthy of God's love, which is why they need to be encouraged to approach God just as they are
Responding to war and the refugee crisis 
Baptist responses to the multiple challenges of war, violent persecution, and the refugee/migrant crisis
All creatures great and small
Baptist minister Andy Goodliff reflects on a service where pets were invited
Israel and the returning King 
Is God preparing Israel for the Messiah? Are the chosen people still chosen?
Ugly words about beautiful people 
What matters most to me, how I look to others - or how I appear to God?
Reflections on Baptist Union Council
Our renewed culture is beginning to be embedded by the new-style Council, says General Secretary Lynn Green
And don’t let us yield to temptation
An excerpt from Sheridan Voysey's new book Resilient: Your Invitation to a Jesus-Shaped Life
Seasons of thankfulness
As the harvest is safely gathered in, Heather Skull looks at what it means to be living in thankfulness in all circumstances
Going to church will make you happy
Research shows that going to church regularly is a HUGE contributor to your wellbeing
We need to talk more about Jesus 
How can we help contacts on the fringe of the church to become inquirers seeking Jesus?
Reflections from the Jungle
A sobering day in Calais leaves a Baptist minister lamenting our indifference and resolved to lobby the Government
God, Mammon and Climate Change 
In the run up to the Paris Climate Change Conference some significant economic considerations are emerging, writes John Weaver
Equipping: Building bigger people
We all have something to offer in mentoring others – and a biblical mandate to do so, writes Clive Burnard
Reflections on Remembrance Sunday
Delving into Baptist history helped a church reframe its remembering in broader ways to include all who've suffered the consequences of war
Grey areas - and responding biblically
For many dilemmas there are no straight forward answers - so what principles can Christians adopt when deciding how to respond?
Discomfort with the comfort
The way young adults are re-thinking how they connect to church highlights how mundane it has become. Let's focus on what's true
Revisiting Thomas - how can we know? 
Gethin Abraham-Williams ponders a question that still troubles our restless spirits, and finds a clue in a disciple too often overlooked
Another way of responding to ISIS
Militant non-violence is an alternative to bombing Syria, and it stems from Jesus' often misunderstood teaching about turning the other cheek
The care and guidance of souls   
A Christian counsellor offers a glimpse of God’s grace and mercy in the life of a young man emerging from a crisis
Breaking a season of habits
We're creatures of habit, but, says Heather Skull, let's make sure they're good ones...
The virtue of keeping it simple
Many Christians tie themselves in all sorts of knots when thinking about their faith - but certain Bible verses can come to the rescue
What happened next? Elizabeth 
It is tantalising to wonder whatever happened to the people left behind in the unfolding story of Jesus. Here's a look at Elizabeth
Jesus was an asylum seeker
But would we have welcomed him? The founder of a charity working with destitute asylum seekers doesn't think so
What happened next? The shepherds 
John Rackley imagines a conversation between shepherds the morning after meeting the baby Jesus
Analysis of COP 21 Paris
As the White Queen offers Alice, is the Paris agreement an offer of ‘jam to-morrow’? By John Weaver
Mapping a clear direction of travel
Can churches take inspiration from the brilliant simplicity of the London Underground map?
“It’s the most peculiar time of the year”
Blogger of the year Chris Goswami shares directions for a contented January
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