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Breakthrough into Recovery by Rory MaGrath 


I felt there were really two books here - but I very much hope it helps those struggling with addictions


Breakthrough into RecoveryBreakthrough into Recovery
By Rory MaGrath
Onwards and Upwards
ISBN: 978-1-78815-637-0
Reviewer: Jeannie Kendall

The first thing that struck me about this book was its size. It is larger than A5, and has 261 pages. I mention this because I can’t help but wonder if the very people this book is aimed at – those struggling with addictions – might find it a little overwhelming.

This book is two things. It is Rory’s story, and it is a journey through the AA Steps, with detailed worksheets. The problem for me was I felt there were really two books here and I was not sure combining them worked. For Rory to tell his story has merit – as it is although he has told it is some detail at the start and in sections under the description of the Steps, it might hang together better as one account and allow for more explanation. For example he describes being instantly healed of the desire to drink (which would not be most people’s experience), yet clearly he had to work at it. Separating his story out would have allowed for another book with details of the Steps and worksheets with minimal personal examples as an illustration.

Although he states at the start that the book is aimed at any dependency disorder, this is very much geared to those with issues around alcohol – for example, if food is the issue it would need considerable adaptation as blanket abstinence is not possible.

That said alcoholism is a disease which wreaks havoc in the lives of those who suffer and all those around them. Therefore, although as above I have clear reservations about this book, I very much hope that it helps those for whom it was written

Jeannie Kendall, Co-minister Carshalton Beeches Baptist Church


Baptist Times, 22/03/2019
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