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Stand together at Pentecost 

The Baptist World Alliance is encouraging Baptists to stand together this Pentecost, in worship, focus and giving

In a new video, General Secretary Elijah Brown encourages Baptists to 'join together in a movement of worldwide prayer, praise, and response that helps us stand together with a global church that is suffering.'

'2,000 years ago, Pentecost marked the beginning of a truly global church called to reach the nations,' he says. 

'As we approach Pentecost this year, our world is truly in need of the hope that only Christ and His church can provide.'

There are several ways he is encouraging Baptists, small groups and churches to stand together.

  • Together in Worship – Join a virtual worship gathering featuring praise and prayer from around the world on either Friday, May 29, or Saturday, May 30, with details at BaptistWorld.org/pentecost
  • Together in Focus – On Pentecost, remember the global church as a family, small group, or church through a unique prayer, illustration, video, or other focus with free resources available at BaptistWorld.org/pentecost
  • Together in Giving – Give personally and ask your church to designate a portion of the offering received on Pentecost to the “BWA Standing Together Global Response Plan.” This is a collaborative, worldwide Baptist effort helping the most vulnerable around the world. The BWA has already given more than 100 grants to provide food to those facing starvation, send aid into war-torn areas, assist refugees, and provide hygiene kits where there is limited health care. Give at BaptistWorld.org/give.

'This Pentecost, may the Holy Spirit unite us and rekindle our faith as a global family that's united in worship and generosity to reach the nations,' said Elijah. 

Visit baptistworld.org/pentecost for full details.  

Baptist Times, 06/05/2020
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