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How to be a Church Minister by Nigel G. Wright 

For a first taster of what the calling entails and as a checklist for long-standing practitioners this book will be a great blessing

How to be a Church MinisterHow to be a Church Minister
By Nigel G. Wright
The Bible Reading Fellowship
ISBN 978-0-85746-689-1
Reviewed by Pieter J. Lalleman

As I am preparing to return to local ministry, I am being blessed by this book from the pen of my former ‘boss’, Dr Nigel Wright. In recent years big books have appeared about ministry and the preparation for it (e.g. by the Baptists Anthony Cross and Paul Goodliff), but Nigel’s book is accessible for a wide audience. It aims both at those who are already ‘in ministry’ (and I commend it to colleagues who are planning a sabbatical) as well as at whoever might consider a call from God. It is the kind of book which can be given to a gifted (young) person in the local church – and then maybe discussed with them.

Although Nigel writes as a Baptist, he writes not only for Baptists, so people from other denominations and independent churches will feel addressed and can also be blessed by his wisdom.

After an Introduction the book discusses the call to ministry and various practical aspects of the minister’s task such as proclaiming the Word, having a support base, leadership, teamwork, pastoral care, leading worship and healing. There is also attention for the long haul. The writing style is really attractive: simple without ever being superficial; personal without becoming anecdotal. It is evident that Nigel has experience both of being a minister himself and of training many others for Christian ministry. We can be grateful that in his retirement he continues to bless the churches with valuable resources, such as Vital Truth: Convictions of the Christian Community (2016).

Of course this book is not intended to replace the more detailed and practical training in the areas it addresses. Proper ministerial training takes at least three years in person! Yet for a first taster of what the calling entails and as a checklist for long-standing practitioners it will be a great blessing. Highly recommended!

After teaching at Spurgeon's College for more than 20 years, the Revd Dr Pieter J. Lalleman is moving to the ministry of Knaphill Baptist Church, Surrey

Baptist Times, 16/12/2020
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