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Books by John Henson

Good as new: A Radical Retelling of the Scriptures
Publisher:        John Hunt
RRP:                 £11.99
This radical new translation conveys the early Christian scriptures in the idiom of today. It follows principles of cultural and contextual translation, and returns to the selection of books the the early Church held in highest esteem.

Other Temptations of Jesus
Publisher:        John Hunt
RRP:                 £7.99
The Christian life is not about giving up, but taking up. The call of Jesus to discipleship is a positive one-love God and your neighbour. It's not about being serious, but happy and loving. It's not a constant battle against small temptations. It's because Jesus didn't spend all his energy fighting the temptations of the world that he was able to withstand genuine temptation. This series of studies of his life takes a look at stories from the gospels which illustrate the way in which temptation came to Jesus in his ministry-the temptation to stay where he was comfortable and known; to divide people into friends and enemies; to avoid confronting problems, and many others. They are the serious temptations we all face, and which Jesus answers.

Other Communions of Jesus
Publisher:        John Hunt
RRP:                 £14.23
In this book John Henson suggests that by basing our practice and understanding of 'communion' on the event of the Last Supper we have ignored those other occasions when Jesus ate and drank with the people of his day, with the result that we have reversed the intentions of Jesus. Instead of the meal being an invitation to inclusion, the churches have used it as a means of exclusion; instead of the 'beanfeast of the Kingdom' it has become a gathering around the cenotaph. In these studies Christians are challenged to return to the mind of Jesus by allowing all the evidence of the gospels to be put into the balance. Although the author's prime purpose is devotional, there are revolutionary implications. Should the churches take the contents of this book seriously, communion will never be the same again.

Other prayers of Jesus
Publisher:        John Hunt
RRP:                 £11.99
Other Prayers of Jesus opens up a new and alternative way of understanding prayer. This call to adventure and freedom in the name of Jesus is a substantial work that follows the career of Jesus as portrayed in the gospels, showing the part that talking with God plays in the development of Jesus' ministry. Three important strains in Jesus' life of prayer are identified: reflection, contemplation and meditation, with an examination of all the occasions on which the gospel writers picture Jesus in prayer. Prayer is a means of refreshment and openness to new experience rather than tedious duty or doleful self-torment. You will revitalize your walk with God by reading this book. Your prayer life will be supplanted by a life of prayer.

The Gay Disciple
Publisher:        John Hunt
RRP:                 £9.99
What exactly was Jesus' relationship with the Beloved Disciple, with Mary and Martha? What was he like to be with, and how did he have such an impact on followers from diverse backgrounds? This 'faction' story is an eye-opening look at what life was like in Palestine during the life of Jesus, at how society functioned, the social pressures of the time, and above all at what the teaching of Jesus on the Kingdom of God really meant. 'The Beloved Disciple' tells the story from his point of view, and is also joined by the Prodigal Daughter, the Gethsemane Streaker and other real live Christians.

Bad Acts of the Apostles
Publisher:        John Hunt
RRP:                 £14.26
From the very beginning Christians have sought alternative authorities - apostolic authority, the Church Fathers, Catholicism, Scripture, Calvinism, scholarship, charismatic ecstasy. When Luke wrote his volume Two (Acts), the sequel to his Gospel, was he, like Paul, aware of the danger? Did he write simply to extol the exploits of the first Christians and prepare their leaders for canonization? This book suggests that Luke may have had other agendas. The unique opportunity his researches gave him to compare the ministry of Jesus with that of his followers led him to record some events that show the apostles in a bad light. John Henson believes that when Luke sets down these events his disapproval may be detected. In this second edition John Henson also shows how Luke champions an alternative team of apostles. This is an unusual approach to the study of 'Acts'. The aim is not to debunk the apostles but to encourage Christians to seek over and over again the mind of Jesus.

Wide Awake Worship: Hymns and Prayers Renewed for the 21st Century
Publisher:        John Hunt
RRP:                 £9.99
Beautiful prayer, majestic words, but I can't pray it! Rousing hymn, splendid tune, but I can't sing it! What's to be done when the classical prayers and hymns we have inherited no longer correspond to our beliefs or devotional needs? Can something be rescued from them that will preserve our links to the past while saving us from dishonesty and mindlessness? This book attempts to do just that by presenting a selection of honoured prayers and over fifty classic hymns reset in genuine contemporary language. At the very least Christians will be challenged by this work to think more carefully about the words they use in worship. This volume also contains a form of worship for the blessing of a friendship that is suitable for civil partnerships.

Make Christmas Real
Publisher:        Authorhunt
RRP:                 £9.95
'Creative, challenging, provocative, and scholarly, John Henson takes us on a journey that cuts through the Christmas traditions of the centuries, enabling us to hear afresh the radical story of the birth of Jesus' Revd Dr Simon Woodman Co-minister: Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church, London; formerly tutor at Cardiff Baptist College, Wales.

Other Friends of Jesus
Publisher:        Matador
RRP:                 £12.50
Other Friends of Jesus questions the traditional list of the first disciple/apostles of Jesus. It provides pen portraits of an alternative list found in the gospels, including an unmasking of the Beloved Disciple. The book also demonstrates Jesus' networking skills and his underestimated gift of organisation.

From the start there was not one Christian community, but several. Up to now history has been written by the surviving most successful. This book turns the verdict of history on its head. As Jesus taught, 'The first shall be last, and the last shall be first'. Like all John Henson's books this one will appeal to the enquirer and the open minded.

Other Friends of Jesus takes an alternative look at those who were Jesus' closest companions and truest friends, offering a nonconformist perspective. It challenges the order of priority among the first Christian leaders as traditionally presented by the churches, and brings to light the importance of those who have been kept in the background.

The Love Line: Challenging assumptions towards sexuality in the Bible
Publisher:        Matador
RRP:                 £11.56
The Love Line challenges traditional Christianity in its attitudes and responses to the sexual revolution of the past one hundred years.

From the outset the book seeks to refute the impression the churches give that the Bible is a patriarchal book and exclusively heterosexual, by visiting texts that are rarely read or are frequently interpreted in a conformist way. It disputes inhibitions based on fear and cultivated by a vast amount of Christians. Readers will also be introduced to a new set of heroes and heroines including Ham, Ishmael, Tamar, Zippy, Michelle, and Gomer.

The Love Line is an undeniably spiritual book which features ground-breaking interpretations, and aims to strengthen the reader's relationship with God.
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