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Contact The Baptist Times with Baptism notifications
Contact the President Steve Finamore
Contact the Psalms and Hymns Grants Administrator
Contact form for the Ministries Team Accompaniment Coordinator
Contact form for national Safeguarding Team
contact form for Tim Fergusson and Lee Johnson - Ministries Team Co-Leaders
    Posted: 10/09/2024
    Posted: 11/03/2024
    Posted: 17/03/2023
    Posted: 14/02/2023
    Posted: 24/06/2022
    Posted: 16/06/2022
    Posted: 16/06/2022
    Posted: 16/06/2022
    Posted: 08/06/2022
    Posted: 26/04/2022
    Posted: 07/03/2022
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    Posted: 16/11/2020
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    Posted: 03/06/2020
    Posted: 13/05/2020
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    Posted: 06/02/2020
    Posted: 29/01/2020
    Posted: 20/11/2019
    Posted: 12/09/2019
    Posted: 28/08/2019
    Posted: 17/06/2019
    Posted: 03/04/2019
    Posted: 06/12/2018
    Posted: 19/07/2018
    Posted: 14/02/2018
    Posted: 22/12/2017
    Posted: 20/12/2017