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Sharing Jesus with leprosy patients: Seeta’s story

You probably know a lot about our BMS World Mission workers. But, what do you know about our supported partner workers? You’ll want to read the story of Seeta: a woman helping leprosy patients find hope and healing in Nepal.

At BMS we are proud to send mission workers all around the world, but we also are proud to support incredible people doing work in their home countries. Seeta is one of our supported partner workers who is making a difference at Green Pastures Hospital in Pokhara, Nepal.

This is Seeta’s story.

Seeta was only eight years old when she got leprosy. It was physically painful, but more than that, there was emotional pain of growing up with the disease. Seeta remembers the trouble she had making friends when she was young because of the sores and smells. Other children just didn’t understand and didn’t want anything to do with her.

Seeta battled through the physical and emotional pain and, when she was 12 years old, she got treatment for her leprosy at Green Pastures Hospital. The hospital is specially geared towards treating and caring for people living with leprosy. It has been running for 60 years and is the biggest leprosy and rehabilitation hospital in Nepal’s western regions.

Doctors and staff at the hospital treated Seeta for her disease and also cared for her in a way that demonstrated God’s love. It was through her treatment for leprosy that she came to know Jesus Christ and became a believer. Transformed and healed by her positive experience at Green Pastures, Seeta eventually went on to work at the hospital. She was compelled to give back and help patients at the place that gave her so much.

But, Seeta’s story doesn’t end there. Little did she know that her newfound faith would be tested in ways that she didn’t expect.

Later on in life, Seeta married a man and they had three children together. It seemed like happily ever after, but her husband did not treat her well and was not happy about her faith. It was difficult for Seeta, but she held on to her beliefs. She continued to go to church quietly, but eventually it just became too much and she ended up separating from her husband.

Several years later as Seeta was praying, she had the sudden thought that she needed to forgive her husband. She was planning to go out and look for him, but God had a different plan. God brought her husband back to her. One day he just happened to show up at Green Pastures Hospital and Seeta forgave him.

Seeta has had quite a life story so far: she had leprosy, she found Jesus, and her faith has been tested. Despite the difficult journey, Seeta has persevered. And what’s even more amazing is how she has dedicated her life to helping patients with leprosy at Green Pastures Hospital, patients like she once was. She’s dedicated to praying with them and helping them in practical ways. In the little things, like helping them to do their hair and helping them with shopping and cooking, Seeta is a living example of God’s love.  

“The work that Seeta is doing is really encouraging,” says Jeanie Herbert, BMS Regional Team Leader for East Asia. “Since she is from Nepal and has had leprosy, she is able to understand the background and struggles of patients. It’s a great holistic approach to working in a healthcare environment – Seeta is able to express God’s love, while at the same time help with everyday needs.”

Please pray for Seeta. Pray that she will continue to be a living example of God’s love as she provides care and support to patients at Green Pastures Hospital.


This article first appeared on the website of BMS World Mission and is used with permission.  



BMS World Mission, 01/07/2016
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