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‘Christ is Lord’ is new EP from worship leader Luke 

UK worship leader and songwriter Luke Wareham has released his latest collection of songs - and the overall theme is about how having Jesus as the centre of our life changes everything

Luke Wareham Christ is Lord
Luke, of Clevedon Baptist Church, Somerset has been working on these songs for the EP over the past year. He says he ‘loves to write songs straight from the Bible and for the local church to sing.' 
Of his new EP, he explains, ‘I have been inspired by when it says in Psalm 146:2 ‘I will praise the Lord all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live’.
‘I have seen in my own life and in others how encountering Jesus again and again changes everything!

'We have been singing these new songs in my local church and at various Christian festivals around the UK and we strived to record the songs in a way that would help people have life changing encounters with Jesus.'
The EP features collaborations with Noel Robinson, spoken word poet and author Dai Woolridge, Millie Ferguson (Gas Street Music), Molly Skaggs (Cageless Birds/ Bethel) and singer/songwriter Joe Hardy.
Noel features on the Christ is Lord song. Luke says, ‘Noel’s worship leading and songwriting has inspired me over the years – I remember going to a worship conference when I was 11 and being inspired as he led the worship and spoke.
‘The song is about how Jesus is in control of our lives from the beginning to the end and how we can surrender each part of our lives to and trust in Him.’
‘I lay my life down, with you at the centre
Come now to praise you Lord
All of the glory, all of the honour
All of the power is Yours’.
Christ is Lord

Christ is Lord released on 13 September and is available to stream and download on all music platforms, the brand-new lyric videos are on YouTube and chordcharts are available to download via CCLI Songselect. 
Dan Stirling produced the EP, and it is mastered by Jonny Bird.

Download and Stream here – wingsmusic.lnk.to/ChristIsLord


Baptist Times, 19/09/2024
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‘Christ is Lord’ is new EP from worship leader Luke
UK worship leader and songwriter Luke Wareham has released his latest collection of songs - and the overall theme is about how having Jesus as the centre of our life changes everything
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