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Video: an artist shares the gospel through her paintings

Can art play a role in Christian mission? Find out in this interview with Catalyst Live contributor Anneke Kaai

The Church needs art. This is what Dutch artist Anneke Kaai believes. Studying art in Amsterdam during the time of the ‘God is dead’ movement in the 60s and 70s, Anneke decided that she would use her art to show the world that he is alive.
Watch this interview to discover what Anneke believes art can bring to the Church and to be inspired by beautiful paintings.

Anneke Kaai is coming to BMS World Mission’s Catalyst Live events in November to present some of her paintings to audiences in the UK. Come to see her work close-up and to hear from her and other Christian creatives, theologians and thought leaders from across the world on 16 November in Birmingham and 17 November in Reading.

Buy your Catalyst Live tickets from bmscatalystlive.com for £29.95 today.

This article first appeared on the website of BMS World Mission and is used with permission.  

BMS World Mission, 27/09/2016
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