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In every situation, by prayer and petition

Flooding. Hunger. Political tension and unrest. Living in poverty. Risks to you and to your family’s safety. Persecution. The dangers our world and its communities face are countless. But our God is bigger than any crisis. BMS World Mission wants you to join in praying for some of the most marginalised people and the most dangerous places in the world today



Philippians 4: 6-7 reminds and reassures us that “… in every situation, by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ.”

Here’s where and what you can be praying for.

Pray for North Korea
Crisis: heightened political tensions

Credit: U.S. Air Force photo/Staff Sgt. Darnell T. Cannady

Please pray for peaceful and positive solutions to the problems between North Korea and other major global players. Please pray for North Korea’s leaders and for godly leaders to be raised up, and that the people of North Korea would enjoy fullness of life and every blessing.

We remember this: blessed are the peacemakers. Pray for voices of peace in the country and around the world.

God has already answered so many of our prayers for North Korea. Our thanks go out to those who’ve been a part of Project Cyrus; your prayers and support have been invaluable. Recent events have meant that some of the answers to prayer are now seeming quite precarious. You’ll understand we can’t go into more details. But please pray even harder for North Korea at this time. The need is great, but our God is greater.

Pray for Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Sierra Leone
Crisis: flooding

Pray for wisdom and discernment on how best to support the victims of the severe flooding. BMS is helping to provide basic relief items for people who’ve been touched by disaster through partners in Nepal. Soon, we will be able to do more. Give thanks for the positive impact local churches and believers are having, often taking the lead in recovery efforts.

“The local Church is demonstrating the love of God to whole communities in tangible ways,” says Peter Dunn, BMS Director for Mission. “Relief should not discriminate, and that kind of generous, fair assistance is what BMS is proud to be a part of.” Pray that this outpouring of God’s love would continue to grow.

In response to the landslides in Bangladesh, BMS Is helping to rebuild families’ houses. Pray that this would be a real help to affected communities.

In Sierra Leone, the flooding and landslides that are devastating the lives of so many, who already have so little, desperately require a response. Pray for the men, women and children affected, and for the national and international responses. Pray for the people of Sierra Leone as they look to rebuild following the losses they have suffered.

Pray for South Sudan
Crisis: food shortages

Hundreds of thousands of people have been affected by food shortages and the worsening humanitarian crisis in South Sudan. Pray for those struggling for food in the country. The BMS South Sudan appeal has raised over £14,000. Praise God! Thank you for your generous giving. Your gifts are now going to help people displaced by violence both in South Sudan and in northern Uganda. Pray that BMS’ support would continue to make a difference.

The situation in South Sudan has been caused and complicated by political tensions, conflict and drought. It can be difficult for aid agencies to operate under such conditions. Pray for safety for charities and NGOs that are being targeted, that they would be bold in the help they seek to offer.

Pray for an end to conflict and insecurity.

Pray for Syria and Lebanon
Crisis: refugees and war

Close to half of the Syrian refugees in Lebanon are children. BMS is working with local partners to build these children’s hope for a better future. Pray for the education projects we’re supporting, equipping children with numeracy, literacy, language and life skills.

Pray for refugees in Lebanon who are receiving livelihood and resiliency training. Pray that it would be a valuable stepping stone for a better future.

Continue to pray for the ongoing crisis in Syria. Pray for a peaceful resolution to the conflict. Pray also for the millions of displaced Syrians in Lebanon and across Europe, that they would encounter hospitality and hope. Pray that the children who’ve been forced to leave their homes would have the opportunity to learn, to play and to have a real childhood.

Pray for India
Crisis: increased persecution of Christians

It is becoming harder to be a Christian in India. Recently, there has been a rise in Hindu fundamentalist attacks against Christian communities. Pray that these would cease, and that believers will be able to freely, graciously, and boldly proclaim their faith in Jesus Christ.  

Praise God that the Church is continuing to grow, despite opposition and danger. Pray for the new believers being added to our global family. Pray for their discipleship. Pray for their safety.

Pray for safety for BMS-supported church planters, as they share the good news in often hostile contexts, and pray for the men and women of peace they encounter in other faith communities.

India has just celebrated the anniversary of partition and independence. Give thanks for India’s freedom and prosperity, and pray for India as a nation. Pray that it would seek justice and show compassion to its people, regardless of religion, background, social status or gender.  

Thank you for your prayers. Please feel free to use this article with your church or small group. Please also share to encourage your friends to pray with us too.


This story was originally published on the BMS World Mission website and is used with permission. 


BMS World Mission, 01/09/2017
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