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‘Can become the catalyst for living a vibrant Christian life’ 


Professional reference-book editor and Baptist church member Martin Manser introduces the Christian Basics Bible, a new edition of the New Living Translation he has co-edited

Christian Basics Bible


Oh no, not another study Bible

We genuinely believe that the Christian Basics Bible is different from other editions of the Bible because it’s written for readers who know nothing of the Bible’s story, theology, doctrines or purpose. It helps people start from scratch by explaining things simply but not patronisingly. It uses simple, non-religious language in its introductions and notes to give readers the building blocks to create a strong foundation for their Christian life and a strong relationship with God.

The Christian Basics Bible can become the catalyst for living a vibrant Christian life.

What is the market for this Bible?

The Christian Basics Bible is intended for people who have become Christians recently or somehow the Bible seems to have passed them by. So we have two main groups in mind – first, new Christians, especially those who come from a background where they have had no Christian influence or input at all in their life.

From Mike’s experience as a pastor for over 40 years, and from talking to many pastors around the world, it’s clear that many people who come to faith these days don’t have the background that people would have had a generation ago. They’ve not been brought up to know the Lord’s Prayer or the Ten Commandments, and even less to know who Abraham, Moses or David – or even Jesus – were. Some don’t really understand the difference between the God of the Bible and the gods of other religions. So we believe this Bible will really help people who are straight from scratch, as it were.
But it’s not just new Christians that we’re aiming at. It’s also to encourage Christians who may have plateaued in their faith. There are people in our churches, maybe for many years, who have felt that somehow the Bible has ‘passed over them’ – while they may know some Bible stories they’ve never really grasped the story of the Bible – what it’s all about, why it’s relevant – and somehow they’ve always been too embarrassed to ask, ‘Sorry, what does that mean?’ The Christian Basics Bible will help Christians grow in their faith.

Special features


  • full text of the New Living Translation, an authoritative Bible translation in today’s English whose language breathes life into difficult-to-understand Bible passages

  • Articles on Becoming a Christian and Being a Christian and introductions to each Bible book, giving a simple overview and helping readers know what it is that they should be looking for as they read that book and how they should apply its message

  • over 500 feature notes on issues, including many written from a unique pastoral perspective not matched by any other study Bible:

  1. Bible teaching, e.g., Jesus’ death for us, Can we really believe that Jesus was God? The Holy Spirit, prayer 

  2. Biographical and historical (on key characters like Abraham or Peter, also on lesser known characters like King Cyrus, Lot and Theophilus)

  3. Geographical (on places like Bethlehem and Babylon)

  4. Cultural (like, why were dreams so important?)

  5. Social (like, poverty and justice)

  6. How to live the Christian life (like, marriage; humility; courage; coping with depression)

  7. Practical (like, Should Christians drink? Being honest at work)

  8. Pastoral (like, Does God mind if we’re really honest with him? Trusting God when things go wrong; Does God mind if we are honest with him?)

  9. Cross-references to notes so that if you’re reading the Ten Commandments at Deuteronomy 5   you will see the cross-reference to the note at Exodus 20


  • a unique 133-page section on Basic Truths of the Christian Faith with answers to basic questions about life and faith, for example in A: ambition, angels, anger.

  • Bible reading plans, Glossary (concise dictionary-style definitions), index, 16-page colour visual overview of the Bible with charts, maps and Infographics  


Who is behind it?

The Editors are the respected British authors and editors Mike Beaumont and Martin Manser.

Mike Beaumont is a Bible teacher, pastor, lecturer, broadcaster and author with considerable experience. He has edited parts of the NIV Thematic Study Bible and many books for Lion (Bible Encyclopedia, One-stop Bible Guide, One-stop guide to Jesus) and Holman (Illustrated Guide to the Bible) and has broadcast regularly on BBC radio. He has also taught in Bible colleges in Asia.
Martin Manser is a professional reference book editor who has compiled or edited more than 200 reference books, particularly Bible-reference titles, English-language dictionaries and business books. He was Managing Editor of the NIV Thematic Study Bible (Hodder & Stoughton, editor of the award-winning Collins Bible Companion and revising editor of the 8-million word Matthew Henry Commentary (Zondervan).
Martin is a member of Southcourt Baptist Church, Aylesbury

Baptist Times, 02/07/2018
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