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'A wonderful and beautiful book for Advent' 


Looking for a new resource to help you journey through Advent? Our reviewers assess some of the latest titles 


Prince of Peace David KerriganThe Prince of Peace in a World of Wars by David Kerrigan 

The subject of peace is in the forefront of our minds as we commemorate the end of World War 1. Yet our world is not at peace: even in places where warfare is not raging there is conflict within nations, families and ourselves – alongside moments of great joy. In this short book of Advent reflections David shows us that peace is not just a fragile stillness but something which can envelop us as we ride the rollercoaster of life.  

This excellent and realistic book takes its readers on an unusual Advent journey which offers no trite answers. Its author draws on his vast mission experience and knowledge to both challenge and encourage us. I commend it.  

Read the full review here.


Art of AdventThe Art of Advent by Jane Williams  

This is a wonderful and beautiful book for Advent. Jane Williams reflects on a painting each day between Advent and Epiphany, some very well known, others probably new to many of us. If, like me, you are interested in how art can help communicate and deepen faith, but lack the skills to read and interpret paintings, you will enjoy this book. (For those with the necessary skills, you will no doubt enjoy it too.)

Advent is a great opportunity to encounter the gospel, and The Art of Advent will help you do it afresh again. 

Read the full review here 


Advent for Everyone Tom WrightAdvent for Everyone by Tom Wright 

Tom Wright's 'For Everyone' series of commentaries of the books in the New Testament are already well known within the church - to which he now adds Advent for Everyone. 

The structure of the book is a simple one. For each day of Advent (unless you are my wife who insists on following Celtic Advent for reasons I really can't go into here...) Tom gives you a reading from Luke's Gospel, followed by his well-known 'For Everyone' thoughts. You get stories, context and the thinking of the author on the broad subject of that week, which feature Encouragement, Renewal, Justice and Celebration. 

The book is a simple repeat of Tom's thoughts from the original Luke for Everyone. Yes, they are put in a very different order to fit the broad weeks' subjects, but it's still the same.

Having said that its still worth a look, especially for small groups or people who have not encountered Tom's work, and it will give you a useful period of preparation for Christmas. Isn't that what Advent is all about? 

Read the full review here


Celtic AdventCeltic Advent by David Cole 

Writing about Christmas, David Cole requests, at the outset, that the reader sits quietly and focuses on the coming season “not on all the busyness of what needs to be done, but on the spiritual significance of what is coming up”. The classic Martha / Mary situation where in the context of Christmas our “Marthaism” can go into overdrive! 

David encourages us to incorporate 40 meditations in the days leading up to Christmas. The basis for the daily meditations is to be found in studying the colourful and single minded lives of the Celtic saints.

Celtic Advent is an invaluable aid to countering the swirling currents which are poised to liquefy the foundational doctrine and glorious celebration of God taking on flesh. This gem of a book offers a truly refreshing way to prepare for Christmas.  

Read the full review here.


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