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Book reviews in 2013 

As a Fire by Burning - by Roger Standing
Mission as the life of the local congregation
Between Naivety and Hostility: Uncovering the Best Christian Responses to Islam in Britain
An excellent study guide for churches working in a multi-faith-cum-multi-culture environment, and even better for churches which are not
Glen Lyon - by Kenneth Steven
Glen Lyon is a love story, but one that rings true about love, love as sharp as the edge of a knife
How To Like Paul Again by Conrad Gempf
To understand Paul's letters, we need to discover why they were written
John Bunyan - The People’s Pilgrim
A lively and gripping account of Bunyan's life, showing his activities to be as relevant today as in the 17th century
Mosaic - God With Us. Scripture Union
Mosaic - God With Us provides material for 12 sessions for small groups of children with a wide age range
Richard Dawkins’ Fictional World. By Robin Compston
Robin Compston writes to rebut Richard Dawkins assertions in his much-lauded book, The God Delusion
Science and Religion in Quest of Truth. By John Polkinghorne
Reading John Polkinghorne’s book with no more than an O-level in physics achieved roughly 50 years ago is quite a test
Speaking Christian: Recovering the Lost Meaning of Christian Words. By Marcus Borg
The American author Marcus Borg is concerned about unfamiliarity with biblical witness in the current generation and fears that what is known is neither believable nor accessible to the modern mind
The Bible Now - by Richard Elliot Friedman and Shawna Dolansky
Discussing what the Hebrew Bible says about five thorny issues
The Good God: Enjoying Father, Son and Spirit
by Michael Reeves: 'A good little book that seeks to offer an introduction to seeing God as triune'
The Secular Terrorist: The slow suicide
of Christian Britain - 'A book to make any Christian think... although that would not be enough for the author'
The Small Heart of Things
Essays in intelligent and ethical perception by Julian Hoffman.
Why Did Jesus, Moses, The Buddha and Mohammed Cross the Road?
As Brian McLaren points out, this is a question he only dares ask because of his faith in Christ
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