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Book reviews in 2020

A Theory of Everything (That Matters) by Alister McGrath
Accessible explanation of Einstein's key work, and shows his comments on the nature of faith and religion are far more subtle than those of many of his critics
Everywhere You Look by Tim Soerens
I think this is the best book I have read on church and mission for a long time, writes Simon Jones
God’s Hostage by Andrew Brunson
Honest account of the impact of being imprisoned in Turkey and becoming a political pawn
How to be a Church Minister by Nigel G. Wright 
For a first taster of what the calling entails and as a checklist for long-standing practitioners this book will be a great blessing
Humans and Ecosystems in the Priestly Creation Account   
A serious, professional and manageable contribution to Bible study on a highly relevant contemporary concern, as well as a gift to those looking for Bible Study relevant to today’s world
Is Jesus History? By John Dickson
This book belongs to the best material on the historical Jesus for church members and sceptics alike
Mission in Marginal Places: The Stories 
Excellent book telling stories of mission which challenges our preconceptions, especially about what constitutes success
Muslims and Christians Debate Justice and Love 
Muslims and Christians address their common fundamental commitment to justice and love - even if not in total agreement on the details, what unites is more important than what divides, so how can we both get it across to our constituencies?
Newman: The Heart of Holiness by Roderick Strange
Provides insight into why John Henry Newman was considered great enough to be made England’s first non-martyred saint in 600 years
Proverbs: Wisdom for the Whole of Life
A very good and helpful Bible study guide from the London Institute of Contemporary Christianity
Remembering Our Baptism by Philip R. Meadows 
There are many great books about baptism and the reasons for it, but for me this did something different – it helped me long for more of God
Resistance to Empire and Militarization 
Twenty-five leading scholars/practitioners set themselves the question of how to build a non-imperialist future and to give hope to people seeking justice, peace and freedom
Spirituality and Wellbeing
This book shows how the relationship between wellbeing and spirituality is studied by a range of disciplines including religious studies, theology, anthropology, psychology and history
Stumbling toward Zion by David Smith
Smith's exploration of recovering the biblical tradition of lament in the era of world Christianity is a vital and wise invitation to rediscover the honesty of faith, the validity of doubt and the struggle for a more just world
Telling It Simply by H.S. Higgins
There are already a great many excellent modern Bible translations on the market - I don’t feel that this fills any gap in the present market
The Bible Doesn’t Tell Me So by Helen Paynter
Carefully crafted to be both deeply theological and highly readable, this is an important book addressed directly to women experiencing domestic abuse, and to those who seek to support them
The Insider/Outsider Debate 
A specialist book which must get beyond the specialists as it speaks into prejudice, inter-faith issues and basic hospitality
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