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The Baptist Assembly 2019 

Links to stories and reports from the 2019 Baptist Assembly, held at the Telford International Centre (18-19 May) 

Evening ministers

Where do we grow from here? That’s the challenge and invitation posed by new Baptist Union President Ken Benjamin

Baptists Together - have confidence! Baptist Christians and churches were urged to ditch the negative human narratives and have confidence in God’s call on our lives in the closing address of the 2019 Baptist Assembly from General Secretary Lynn Green

Missio dei and Baptist churches What difference will Missio dei make to Baptist churches? The question explored by Dr Kang-San Tan in the first Bible study of this year’s Baptist Assembly

Induction, recognition, In Memoriam Ministers and mission personnel were recognised and prayed for on a packed Assembly Saturday night  

'Fix our eyes on Jesus, keep running the race' Baptists have been urged to be secure in their identity in Jesus, get rid of things that hinder, deal with their sin - and keeping running the race. The Saturday evening address with Lisa Holmes 

‘We want to embrace adventure’ The Baptist Union of Great Britain AGM took place on Sunday morning at the Baptist Assembly

'Firestarters is all about meeting Jesus' A movement of Baptist churches is seeing unusual growth – and wants to share lessons with other churches  

‘Using hunger to change behaviour?’ The flaws of Universal Credit were shared at the Baptist Assembly - alongside ways churches can respond

‘What’s God doing where you are?’ Delegates learnt about how to host an interactive listening workshop in their churches and Associations

Supporting and encouraging small churches New ways to resource, network and encourage our Union’s smaller churches was the focus of a Saturday afternoon session at the Baptist Assembly

Prayer Space at the Baptist Assembly For the duration of this year’s Assembly there was a space set aside for prayer and mediation. Alison Mackay explains more

‘Crossing barriers, in the name of Jesus’ The unpredictability of the Holy Spirit in uniting people in the name of Jesus, and the church’s often misunderstood response to it, was highlighted in the sermon during the Communion service on Sunday morning 

BMS World Mission - Sunday morning session New resources, encouragements from Ben Francis and his inspiring daughter Abigail, plus an update on the One Million Lives Transformed strategy

‘We are sending out 14 beacons' Young people at the Baptist Assembly were encouraged to reflect on their relationship with God, and how this impacts all of their lives

An alternative evening celebration Thirst aimed to provide a more informal setting to connect with God at the 2019 Baptist Assembly

For more photos of the 2019 Baptist Assembly, visit our Flickr album. Visit the Baptist Assembly website for more resources. 

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Baptist Times, 19/05/2019
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‘Christ is Lord’ is new EP from worship leader Luke
UK worship leader and songwriter Luke Wareham has released his latest collection of songs - and the overall theme is about how having Jesus as the centre of our life changes everything
Supporting socially isolated older people
What can the church (and wider society) do to reach and support people for whom social isolation and loneliness are part of a daily reality? A reflection by Linking Lives' founder and outgoing national director Jeremy Sharpe
Join the movement: a day to catalyse church planting and evangelism
Simon Goddard shares details about the Everyone Everywhere National Conference on Tuesday 8 October
To hope and act with creation
Links to resources - or pages which collate resources - for this year's Season of Creation. Compiled by Dave Gregory, convenor of BUEN, The Baptist Union Environment Network
'Imagine a world without the need for food banks'
Interview with Jessica Foster, head of Church Engagement at the Trussell Trust
Music review: Standing on the Edge by Rob Halligan
Encapsulating a range of moods, Rob's voice is layered with pain, practice, grace and love. There is an edge to his music - and that's where its power lies, writes Shaun Lambert
     The Baptist Times 
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