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Most read features/interviews in 2019 

The five most read features and interviews in The Baptist Times in 2019


Most read features

1 The silent epidemic of loneliness
Loneliness and social isolation is an increasingly significant issue in communities. The church can be a key part of the answer

2 Wrestling with Old Testament violence
An interview with Baptist minister Helen Paynter, whose new book continues her exploration of how we respond to the violence in the Old Testament

3 Baptists Together: who we are, why we exist, and our four key areas of shared work  
By General Secretary Lynn Green 

4 Gen Z: what can the Victorians teach us?
Young people are open to spiritual conversations. Let's step outside our comfort zones to have them

5 Ten suggestions for your summer reads
In picking 10 possible summer reads, I gave myself one condition: they all needed to be authored by women



Baptist Times, 19/12/2019
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‘Christ is Lord’ is new EP from worship leader Luke
UK worship leader and songwriter Luke Wareham has released his latest collection of songs - and the overall theme is about how having Jesus as the centre of our life changes everything
Supporting socially isolated older people
What can the church (and wider society) do to reach and support people for whom social isolation and loneliness are part of a daily reality? A reflection by Linking Lives' founder and outgoing national director Jeremy Sharpe
Join the movement: a day to catalyse church planting and evangelism
Simon Goddard shares details about the Everyone Everywhere National Conference on Tuesday 8 October
To hope and act with creation
Links to resources - or pages which collate resources - for this year's Season of Creation. Compiled by Dave Gregory, convenor of BUEN, The Baptist Union Environment Network
'Imagine a world without the need for food banks'
Interview with Jessica Foster, head of Church Engagement at the Trussell Trust
Music review: Standing on the Edge by Rob Halligan
Encapsulating a range of moods, Rob's voice is layered with pain, practice, grace and love. There is an edge to his music - and that's where its power lies, writes Shaun Lambert
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