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'We’re here to insure, reassure, and go the extra mile' 

The Baptist Insurance claims service has exceeded the expectations of Baptist minister the Revd Vic Jackopson for 50 yearsBaptist Insurance800

Since 1905, Baptist Insurance has grown to become the leading insurer of Baptist churches and communities in the UK. We’re passionate about supporting people and organisations who really make a difference and so all our available profits go back to Baptist communities in the UK.
We’ve proudly insured retired Baptist minister the Revd Vic Jackopson’s home for 50 years. During that time, he’s had a number of claims for loss and damage and we were there to help again in February.
Claims Handler, Matt Hopkins, said, 'When Reverend Jackopson first called us about damage from Storm Dennis, he was unaware of its full extent and understandably quite distressed. His son arranged to fly from the Ukraine at what was clearly an anxious time for him. We were happy to wait for his son’s arrival to inspect the damage, authorising scaffolding and urgent work in the meantime.
'Once the contractor could investigate, we agreed to include additional improvements which Reverend Jackopson wished to make and pay for, with the ‘like for like’ repairs covered by his policy, to save money on the additional work.'

When customers thank God for the Baptist Insurance Company … we’re doing something right

Delighted with the service our claims team provided, Vic said, 'It’s not an understatement to say that I am actually shocked at how cooperative, supportive and helpful Baptist Insurance has been at all times over the years.
'There are real horror stories about insurance companies quibbling when it comes to paying out claims … Baptist Insurance could not be further away from that kind of thing. The way every claim is handled comes from a place of trust and cooperation from the start, coupled with an over-riding sense of understanding and helpfulness.'
With the restrictions of COVID-19 in place, Vic’s interior redecorating has had to wait, but the contractor is ready to go, and our claims team will be there to ensure everything runs smoothly. In the meantime, he’s keeping busy during lockdown setting up a home video studio to produce vlogs for his Ukrainian charitable work.
BIC100 – A special offer for new Home Insurance customers*
Until December 2020, we’re donating an additional £100 to a nominated Baptist church selected by any customer who takes up a new home insurance policy with us.
This is a great way for Baptist communities to support their church and benefit from the protection and award-winning service of the UK’s leading Baptist Insurance Company. Funds can be used for any purpose (a celebration, new noticeboard, repairs, equipment, social impact, etc).


It doesn’t take long for these small donations to add up, so spread the word and contact us today. For more information, go to www.baptist-insurance.co.uk/bic100 or call us on 0345 070 2223.

*Terms and conditions apply

Baptist Times, 11/05/2020
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