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The Revd Patrick Ingle: 1942-2020 

Many people came to know Christ as their own personal saviour through Pat’s preaching, teaching  and pastoral care

Pat IngleThe Revd Patrick Ingle  was born in Rotherham on 19 January 1942 into a loving and caring family. He grew up and was baptised as a teenager in the Baptist church in Rotherham. Here he met Janet who was to become his wife and lifelong partner in ministry. They were to have two children Timothy and Beverley, five grandchildren and two great grandchildren.
After his formal education he did a commercial apprenticeship in the steel industry and worked in the accounts department of a local company. It was here that he was to sense God’s call to Christian ministry, entering Rawdon College in 1963. Twelve months later Rawdon was to join with Manchester to form the Northern Baptist College. He graduated with a BD and later having completed his probationary studies he did a two-year part-time course at Birmingham University in Psychology and Pastoral Counselling. These two courses gave him a good foundation for his preaching and his pastoral ministry.

Pat served as Minister in six churches, London Road Stoke on Trent, Limbrick Wood Coventry , Magor South Wales, Shirley Birmingham, Park Road Peterborough and the Tameside Fellowship. Pat was always obedient to God’s call even when it was not what he would have preferred to be. In each of these churches he remained faithful in preaching and teaching to the God who had called him. Many people came to know Christ as their own personal Saviour through Pat’s preaching, teaching  and pastoral care.
Pat’s ministry was not confined to the local church. He served on the committees of several Associations, serving as Association Secretary in South Wales. For several years he was a member of the Baptist Union Council and was Chairman of Home Mission.
Life was not always easy for him and when his daughter in law, who had two pre-school age children, was diagnosed with terminal cancer this shook his faith. Not one to give in he worked through his problems and his faith was even stronger for the experience.

Pat and Janet retired to Burnley in 2007 to be near family and after a short illness Pat died on 25 August, 2020. He will be remembered with affection for his commitment to God, his family and the communities which God called him to serve.

Roger Woodward 

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