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Review of the year 2020 

Highlighting the ten most clicked pieces in The Baptist Times this year 


Why is it SO challenging to live through this pandemic?
A look at four psychological processes that are at work within us that combine to make this an extremely taxing time on our brains. By Darren Blaney


Caring for your pastors through COVID19
This is an extremely pressurised situation for our pastoral caregivers. Amie Aitken offers some pointers to consider when it comes to caring for them


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Baptist Union Presidency for Geoff Colmer
Baptists have discerned that Geoff Colmer will serve as our President in 2021-2022


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We want different things
Why we have to form churches that are not based on what Christians like, but on what non-Christians need the church to be. By Michael Shaw


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Scenario planning for an unknown future
What will your church look like after the pandemic is over? Darren Blaney highlights different scenarios to consider


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Finding the inner cathedral of peace
Baptist minister Shaun Lambert offers some simple but profound spiritual exercises to help handle heightened anxiety and stress during this Coronavirus pandemic


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'A great servant of God and of the British Baptist family'
Tributes have been paid to the Revd Douglas Sparkes, who died on New Year’s Day aged 92


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'The response was truly overwhelming'
An NHS nurse and Baptist church member has spoken of her appreciation after six artists painted her portrait during the Covid-19 pandemic


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‘I can’t breathe…’
Justice Enabler Wale Hudson-Roberts reflects on the death of George Floyd - and how Baptists might respond


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Why I donated my kidney
At the forefront of my mind was Jesus’ call to disciples to “deny themselves, take up their cross and follow me”, writes Joe Walsh from South Parade Baptist Church

Baptist Times, 16/12/2020
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‘Christ is Lord’ is new EP from worship leader Luke
UK worship leader and songwriter Luke Wareham has released his latest collection of songs - and the overall theme is about how having Jesus as the centre of our life changes everything
Supporting socially isolated older people
What can the church (and wider society) do to reach and support people for whom social isolation and loneliness are part of a daily reality? A reflection by Linking Lives' founder and outgoing national director Jeremy Sharpe
Join the movement: a day to catalyse church planting and evangelism
Simon Goddard shares details about the Everyone Everywhere National Conference on Tuesday 8 October
To hope and act with creation
Links to resources - or pages which collate resources - for this year's Season of Creation. Compiled by Dave Gregory, convenor of BUEN, The Baptist Union Environment Network
'Imagine a world without the need for food banks'
Interview with Jessica Foster, head of Church Engagement at the Trussell Trust
Music review: Standing on the Edge by Rob Halligan
Encapsulating a range of moods, Rob's voice is layered with pain, practice, grace and love. There is an edge to his music - and that's where its power lies, writes Shaun Lambert
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