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The Revd Geoffrey Wilson: 1929-2021 

Minister and author who pastored Baptist churches in Yorkshire and highlighted the rich heritage of Reformed thought in various New Testament commentaries 

Geoffrey WilsonGeoffrey Wilson was born in 1929 and brought up in Liverpool. He and his wife joined the Baptist Church in Waterloo where they were both baptised. Geoffrey soon began to preach in churches in the area and then felt called to enter the Baptist ministry.

The war had disrupted his education, and, with two babies in tow, he chose to seek accreditation through the Baptist Union exam rather than through a Baptist college. He subsequently ministered to two small Baptist Churches in Ossett, Yorkshire for three years and then moved to Birkby Baptist Church in Huddersfield for the next 26 years.

He became very concerned that the rich heritage of Reformed thought was largely unknown to the lay reader so he began to write a commentary on St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans, explaining the text with apt quotations from the Reformers. Commentaries on all the rest of Paul's letters and on the Book of Revelation soon followed, published by the "Banner of TruthTrust".

In retirement, he sustained a correspondence with many former Yorkshire friends and family, usually sending books to encourage them to a deeper understanding of the Gospel.

He was one who knew his dependence on God, who knew his need of a Saviour, who spent his twilight years reading the Bible and Christian books to deepen his appreciation of the salvation in Christ.

On Friday 22 January 2021, Geoffrey died peacefully in his sleep after a long illness and is survived by his wife, his four children, his nine grandchildren and his six great grandchildren.

Angela Wilson

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