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A new Baptist App keeps our website close at hand

Earlier this year we launched the first version of our new Baptist App, created by our website developers ChurchInsight.


This new free resource can be downloaded to your phone from www.baptist.org.uk/hubb and allows you to keep up-to-date with the key areas of our website.  We are encouraged that over 200 of our website users have already downloaded this new App.

BT App visual-transparent+shadWith such a large website with over 6,000 pages and hundreds of resources, we know that it can be hard to find the information you’re looking for, so the App highlights twelve of the most useful areas to get you started. These include links to the Baptist Assembly, our latest Baptist Times articles, the current guidance for churches concerning Coronavirus, along with the latest news and events. Through the ‘Connect’ button you can also access the full website and our social media channels. 
Like the full website, we will continue to refine and develop the App in the coming months, so we welcome your feedback about the ways you use it, and any suggestions about developing it further.
We have worked with the team at ChurchInsight since 2013 when they helped us develop our current website, and the support that they have given throughout this time has been outstanding. Their expertise and understanding of church life have enabled us to maintain a contemporary website, whilst hosting a wealth of resources for our churches and other website visitors.
Use the link www.baptist.org.uk/hubb to download the App onto your phone or tablet.

If your church already uses ChurchInsight for its website, have you considered setting up an App for your church members to use? The new church app is available at no extra cost for Church-Management customers, and only £5 a month extra for Website-Only customers, and will feature your own logo and branding.
If you’re planning to develop a new website for your church, ChurchInsight also offers a special price for new customers from Baptist churches – 50% off their first 24 months of using ChurchInsight and £195 off any of the church website templates.   Have a look at www.churchinsight.com/baptists to find out more.
Baptist Times, 19/04/2021
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