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Baptismal pools 

The latest in our series of Baptist Insurance articles sees a focus on baptismal pools 


Baptismal pools
Baptism is likely to be an important part of life at your church. A few simple considerations can help ensure the safety of all involved.
Top tips to happy, safe baptisms
Giving consideration to risk factors and providing training as necessary will help avoid a potentially serious incident, and ensure a smooth ceremony.

  • Avoid using a mains microphone in a baptismal pool as it can lead to electrocution. Wire-free microphones must be used in or within two metres of the pool.
  • Remove any electrical equipment including electric and immersion heaters, guitar amplifiers and trailing cables from not only in the vicinity of the baptismal pool but from changing areas where persons could be wet. Measures must be taken to ensure that electrical equipment cannot fall into the pool.
  • Ensure that spills are mopped up as soon as possible to avoid the risk of slips and falls.
  • Where full-body immersion takes place, consideration must be given to the safe handling of the person being baptised, whilst at the same time ensuring that the Minister also remains safe.
  • Ensure the water is clean and regularly inspect the storage tanks to reduce the risk of legionella.
  • Care should be taken when filling the pool with water to ensure it does not accidentally overflow and cause significant damage to the building or contents of the church. 

Reopening your church
With an end to lockdown in sight, many organisations will be starting to plan how they will reopen. Baptist Insurance has prepared some guidance on the considerations you might need to make at your church. For more information, please visit the website.
Want to know more?
Baptist Insurance want to provide you with the help and advice that you need to continue to protect your church and its community. For additional guidance or information on church and home insurance, please visit the website or call one of the team on 0345 070 2223.


Baptist Times, 22/04/2021
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