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Time for some spring maintenance? 

A list of maintenance tips from Baptist Insurance to help you avoid some insurance claims at your church

Spring maintenance800

As the custodian of your local church, your job is invaluable; helping to keep the property safe, well maintained and sustainable so it can be enjoyed by future generations.
You can avoid some insurance claims at your church through a simple routine of regular maintenance. To help address some of the common issues experienced by Baptist churches, Baptist Insurance has put together a list of maintenance tips for your consideration.

Wear and tear
Wear and tear is not covered by most insurance policies. Insurance covers events which are sudden and unexpected. As a natural consequence of day-to-day use, wear and tear is inevitable over time and cannot usually be insured.
Keeping your church in a good state of repair can prevent wear and tear from causing serious problems. Make sure your church has a regular programme of routine maintenance throughout the year to address the issues that may result in damage in the future.

Bad weather
Storms, floods, heavy rain and lightning can all cause damage to your church. Routine maintenance should involve:

  • Signing up to the Met Office’s severe weather warnings
  • Clear out gutters and downpipes so they do not get blocked
  • Secure loose roof tiles
  • Make sure lightning conductors are well maintained and regularly checked by a lightning engineer. 

Learn more about protecting your church in bad weather such as storms, floods and cold weather in the Baptist Insurance risk management suite.

Fires in churches can start as the result of faulty electrical wiring, candles, heating systems or by building works or repairs. Every church should have a fire risk assessment to identify the risks and put measures in place to mitigate them.
Having working fire alarms is essential both to limit damage to the church and protect the people who use it. Routine maintenance should involve testing fire alarms at your church.

Accidents and injuries
Slips, trips and falls are a major cause of injuries to volunteers, church members and visitors alike. Many of these accidents can be prevented by carrying regular maintenance, including keeping paths clear of fallen leaves and snow and ice, displaying warning signs where appropriate and clearing away trips hazards such as cables.

Want to know more?
Baptist Insurance wants to provide you with the help and advice that you need to continue to protect your church and its community. For additional guidance or information on church and home insurance, please visit the Baptist Insurance website or call one of the team on 0345 070 2223.


Baptist Times, 13/05/2021
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