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Review of the year 2021

Highlighting the most clicked pieces in The Baptist Times last year  


Donald Trump800Donald Trump and the heresy of white evangelical Christianity
As Donald Trump leaves the White House in disgrace, the time has come for the evangelical Christians who supported him to examine their consciences and embark on the road to repentance, writes Joshua Searle

TBC800Baptist church buildings used as vaccination centres
Several Baptist church buildings have become vaccination centres as the national programme accelerates


Hayley Young800 (1)Baptist Union Presidency for Hayley Young
The Revd Hayley Young has been elected President of our Baptist Union 2022-23


Project Violet 800Launch of Project Violet
The Centre for Baptist Studies, Regent’s Park College, Oxford is pleased to announce Project Violet, a three-year participatory research project that will examine the place of women in Baptist ministry

HongKong800 1Is your church Hong Kong ready? 
The UK is about to welcome hundreds of thousands of people from Hong Kong. Simon Goddard explores how Baptists are responding, and what your church can do


A new normal800Imagining a new normal: analogue and digital
How do we integrate old and new into a better future? In this long read, Bruce Murray highlights some of the areas churches may wish to consider


COP 26800COP26 - A BUEN prayer guide
By Dave Gregory and Trevor Beckett of the Baptist Union Environment Network (BUEN)


Young adult800Internships for young adults across Baptists Together
A new focus on promoting and facilitating internships for young adults in Baptist life is gathering pace


Welcome800A journey towards inclusion and affirmation
Mike Parker shares developments in his ministry and that of the church he co-pastors, Worthing Baptist Church


Wren800Blessed to see God’s church responding to his call
Carol Richardson reports on collecting 100 stories of Baptists involved in missional adventure


HandsI'm a minister and can be hurt like anyone else
A Baptist minister highlights bullying and spiritual abuse




Baptist Times, 04/01/2022
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‘Christ is Lord’ is new EP from worship leader Luke
UK worship leader and songwriter Luke Wareham has released his latest collection of songs - and the overall theme is about how having Jesus as the centre of our life changes everything
Supporting socially isolated older people
What can the church (and wider society) do to reach and support people for whom social isolation and loneliness are part of a daily reality? A reflection by Linking Lives' founder and outgoing national director Jeremy Sharpe
Join the movement: a day to catalyse church planting and evangelism
Simon Goddard shares details about the Everyone Everywhere National Conference on Tuesday 8 October
To hope and act with creation
Links to resources - or pages which collate resources - for this year's Season of Creation. Compiled by Dave Gregory, convenor of BUEN, The Baptist Union Environment Network
'Imagine a world without the need for food banks'
Interview with Jessica Foster, head of Church Engagement at the Trussell Trust
Music review: Standing on the Edge by Rob Halligan
Encapsulating a range of moods, Rob's voice is layered with pain, practice, grace and love. There is an edge to his music - and that's where its power lies, writes Shaun Lambert
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