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A new resource for an age-old question - who made God? 

One of the most-asked questions about God is addressed in a new family resource created by a Baptist church member and Christian app developer 

Who Made God1Who Made God? is a children’s rhyming book in which a lion called Roar wonders ‘how old is God?’ and ‘who made God, anyway?'

It's written by Joanne Gilchrist, creator of the app God for Kids, and member, worship leader and children's volunteer at Beauchief Baptist Church in Sheffield.

Joanne, a mum to three girls, hopes children and their grown-ups will deliberate over the book together.

’I’ll never forget when I was 14 and a friend asked me Who Made God and I could give her an answer that I’d read in a book,’ Joanne, pictured, says. 

‘I explained that if someone made God, they would have to be older and bigger and greater than God, and then that person would be God and so on and so on. 

Joanne Gilchrist'Seeing the understanding dawn in her eyes was an unforgettable experience and years later, it motivated me to write this series of books based on questions that children ask about God.’ 

It’s an age-old question that young and old alike frequently ask. Teresa Nixon, Children’s Outreach Worker from St John’s Church in Hartford, Cheshire, led a mission just before Christmas where more than 800 school children visited the 19th Century church building over a two-week period. 

‘Of all the questions that we got asked, the most frequent one was, “How old is God?"’ says Teresa. ‘Children are fascinated by how old God is and whether He was born and who are His parents.  These are some of the questions that I get asked most often - over and over, so I think this book really fits in where what children are thinking. I think it is really great.’

The book is a follow-up to Why Can’t I See God?, which is available on Amazon, and is part of a series called Animals of Eden Valley where each animal has their own question about God. Other titles due to come out this year include Where does God live? and How Strong is God?

Who Made God? is published by Sarah Grace (Dyslexic Friendly) Publishing, ISBN:978-1-912863-99-0, and is available from your local physical or online bookstore


Baptist Times, 12/01/2022
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