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Building a fundraising team

Baptist Insurance understands that building a fundraising team for your church may seem overwhelming, so it's put together some guidance on how to get started


Like other types of teams, the most effective fundraising teams have clearly defined roles with people given particular responsibilities.
In fundraising, one of the hardest things to manage is the feeling that you are on your own. This can be difficult to handle as the reality is much of the fundraising activity is done by a very small number of people.
However, it’s great to try and build a fundraising team. Not only does this offer practical support but it also ensures that other people are involved in your church’s fundraising efforts. You can achieve a lot if you are clear about people’s roles and keep the team motivated. In fact, underpinning the success of many church's fundraising campaigns are volunteers who are engaged and having fun. It is a great opportunity for people to learn new skills and gain confidence.
Here are our five steps to building a successful fundraising team:

  1. Choose a team leader
  2. Be proactive
  3. Value transferable skills
  4. Set clear expectations
  5. Use all resources available to you 

Want to know more?

For much more information about each of these steps, please visit the Baptist Insurance website:


Baptist Times, 20/07/2022
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