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Supporting you in your toddler group ministry

Helen Lock introduces this year's Playtime National Conference, an event for churches looking to start, grow or hone the Kingdom impact of their toddler group


Playtime is part of Care for the Family, and our aim is to support and resource church-based toddler groups around the UK.

We have been running these conferences for more than 20 years and have been encouraged by the evident hunger to gather together as toddler group leaders to be equipped, inspired and learn so much from each other.

The Talking Toddlers research from Hope Together says that 40 per cent of practising Christians came to faith between the age of 0-4, and that 74 per cent of all parents of 0-4s are in contact with a church, so these are exciting statistics to connect families into toddler groups.

Baptist churches have been one of the key denominations that not only attend the conferences, but also have gifted speakers sharing their heart and passion for the ministry of toddler groups.

The Revd Andrew Ginn, a church leader from Bunyan Baptist church in Stevenage, shares his experience of the Playtime conference and why he feels everyone should have the opportunity to attend.

‘Toddler Groups occupy such a unique place in God’s Kingdom and our churches. As families and church teams journey together through life’s most formative years, they can be places of welcome, hospitality, vulnerability, prayer, support, kindness, and sharing Jesus.

'This year’s Care for the Family Playtime conference will be a great event for any churches looking to start, grow or hone the Kingdom impact of their Toddler Group … and it’s not too late to sign up!’.

So, it doesn’t matter whether you’re new to running a toddler group or maybe thinking about ‘dipping your toe’ into the wonderful ministry working in your community with under 3s and their families, there is everything you need to be equipped, with all the support and knowledge to start on your journey.

Becky Pepper shares from the 2021 conference:

‘Armed with such knowledge, motivation and encouragement before I even recruit my first volunteer or plan my first session, I know I will be a more effective and impactful group leader because I attended the Playtime conference. Thanks to all involved – I can’t wait to come back next year!’

To help you along we’d like to offer yourself and your team a great group offer of only £22 each. This includes a free lunch!

The Playtime conference will be held on Saturday 24 September at All Nations Centre in Cardiff. The day includes motivational talks from international speakers, a selection of workshops to engage your passion and enthusiasm, exhibitors with resources to kit you out for the coming year, worship, fun, and an opportunity to network with other group leaders from a variety of communities and settings.

Come and be inspired!

The Playtime National Conference takes place on Saturday, 24 September.


Helen Lock is the Playtime Coordinator at Care for the Family



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