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What does climate justice mean to you? 

Climate justice is at the heart of the 2022 edition of Wonderful Youth, a resource that enables Black and Brown young people to read the Bible through their cultural and theological lenses 

Wonderful Youth500Commissioned by the Baptist Union Racial Justice Group, Wonderful Youth seeks to empower young people between the ages of 13 and 16 to become ‘the best that you can be’.  

This fourth edition considers the impact of climate change on Black and Brown communities. Over five biblical sessions and in partnership with Christian Aid, it also recommends how climate injustice can be mitigated.

It has been written by contributors from Six Ways Baptist Church, Birmingham, John Bunyan Baptist Church, Oxford and Christian Aid. 

Wale Hudson-Roberts, Baptists Together Justice Enabler, is part of the Wonderful Youth writing team.  

He said, 'Even though there is a vast number of resources on the Christian market to enable young people to reflect on their Christian faith, few (if any) intentionally enable Black and Brown young people to see their image reflected in the resources.  

'Wonderful Youth intentionally centres on Black and Brown young people and provides opportunities for Baptist churches to do the same.  

'The world is hoping and praying that the resolutions that appear from COP27 will begin to benefit the communities adversely impacted by climate change - the very communities this edition of Wonderful Youth is seeking to encourage by challenging climate injustice.

'We trust that this new resource will inspire and challenge the young people in your church.' 

Ascension Trust and Urban Saints are also supporting Wonderful Youth 2022.

The resource comprises five sessions for young people featuring biblical reflections with accompanying questions alongside contextual activities and prayers.   

Wonderful Youth 2022 is available to download here.

Previous editions of the Wonderful Youth resource are still available to download from our Resource Library:
  • Wonderful Youth 2021 has four sessions on the theme 'Love, joy, peace and patience' - the first four Fruit of the Spirit from Galatians 5.
  • Wonderful Youth 2019 is on the theme 'No Outsiders' using  examples from Luke's gospel which show us a Jesus who welcomes, walks with and heals individuals.
  • Wonderful Youth 2018, is based on five themes from Paul’s letter to the church at Ephesus.


Baptist Times, 12/11/2022
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