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'More accessible' chapter for DNA 

DNA Leadership Training is launching a new, cheaper and more accessible model for 2023, writes Eleanor Hearing

DNA - Take the First StepDNA Leadership Training is a national charity which has partnered with the Baptist Union of Great Britain and the Baptist Union of Scotland. We have been providing a church-based discipleship year programme to serve churches and individuals across the UK for 35 years. DNA welcomes trainees from a wide variety of denominations and year on year we have a significant number of trainees coming from Baptist Churches throughout the UK.
We seek to serve the life of the local church as well as develop leaders of the future for within church, the community and the market place. DNA is an intensive, intentional, action packed adventure with God focusing on you, your visions, your passions and your calling.
Why not put aside the time to invest in who you are to become more whole, free and mature in order to fulfil your destiny and full potential?
Our core values will give you a feel for the community that DNA creates. We are church based. We are Holy Spirit dependant. We are a discipleship journey of head (understanding), hands (skills & gifts) and heart (character). We are committed to women in leadership and ministry as well as men. We are about non-religious, relational Christianity.

Discover who you are in God, how much he loves you, and his call on your life.
Nurture is all about God's care and our care of you, creating a culture and a community of family, love and laughter, challenge and change, stretching but safe.
Action is about your faith in action, you'll grow as you serve, theology in action, because what you really believe is what you do and how you live.


You can apply to be part of the DNA programme from age 18 but there is no upper age limit. Over many years DNA has had the pleasure and privilege of working with trainees of all ages. The multigenerational aspect of a DNA year bring so much life and richness to all who take part. DNA is about family and all are welcome to be a part of it.
Most of the DNA training takes place at weekends. This means that those with other significant commitments such as being in part time or full time employment, in further education or having family responsibilities could be part of a DNA year and only need to take six weekdays off across the whole year. This really is DNA for everyone!
DNA - What are you waiting for2023 sees DNA change structure while keeping its primary focus on discipleship and transformation. It is much more accessible – with much of the training taking place in regional hubs which means less travel and time away from your local context. It is also significantly cheaper with fees starting from as little as £1250 for the whole year.

Want to hear more? Whether you are someone who is interested in DNA for themselves or a church leader who would like to hear about how DNA could serve your church we would love to connect with you.

We have an online Taster Session every month. These sessions are open to anyone who wants to hear more.

For details and to sign up to a Taster Session please click here or email us at dna@dna-uk.org.

We’d love to hear from you!

Eleanor Hearing is the DNA Operations Manager. Find out more at dna-uk.org


Baptist Times, 31/03/2023
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