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It is Well with My Soul – 'a remarkable show'

A new musical telling the story behind the enduring hymn It is Well with My Soul allows us to really comprehend what the goodness of God looks like

Review by Jade Noble

It is Well with My Soul

This illustrious hymn speaks of raw pain and suffering; yet exudes such delicate beauty, passion, and praise. Written by Gospel singer and hymn writer Philip Bliss, this beloved hymn speaks of one man’s suffering, Horatio Spafford after the tragic death of his four children in a shipwreck.
In this musical production, written by Baptist minister and evangelist Gareth Hides and directed by David Robinson of the Searchlight Theatre Company, we are taken on a journey with Bliss and his wife, Lucy. At the end of the American Civil war, they move to Chicago and it is there that they are presented with several life changing opportunities and encounters which can only be described as “Godincidences” [coincidences that can only be from God]. It is in Chicago that Bliss meets Spafford, producer George Root, and preacher D L Moody who each offer opportunities to Bliss.
The production effectively and passionately explores the discernment of God’s will in various parts of the characters story – D L Moody in one of his sermons asks the question, “what is the will of God?”. The pause after this question allows us, as viewers, to ponder this thought.
When the Great Chicago fire wreaked havoc and caused unimaginable devastation, the stage lighting, the music, and the characters truly pulled together the notion of destruction and desolation. We observed how it impacted the livelihood of the characters. We saw how it brought people together by sharing the Good News of the gospel. It showed what it meant to love your neighbour and to offer support.  It showed what hopelessness looked like. We see moments of prayerful devotion, of sadness, of compassion. 
In the final scenes, Bliss receives a letter from Spafford delivering the heart-breaking news of the death of his children. The letter included the poem “it is well with my soul” and Spafford asks Bliss to compose some music to it. Incredibly moved by this, Bliss is compelled to do the song justice. And then we have it, the moment which everyone had been waiting for: the performance of this beloved hymn. The underlying joy and peace and despair as the Bliss’ cry out in song, is exquisite. The execution and the vocals were enough to stir one’s emotions and really comprehend, in that moment, what the goodness of God looked like.
The evangelical threads which ran throughout the musical were subtle yet valuable – revealing what it looks like to serve a compassionate and loving God. There were thought provoking questions throughout, and scenes which offered the right amount of vulnerability and empathy.
The musical leaves you with a feeling that in a world that sometimes feels hopeless and desperate, there is always hope and joy in the love of Jesus. This production challenges the hearts of both Christians and non-Christians alike. It’s compelling and with each scene and each character, the message of God’s constant presence and love was truly clear. A truly remarkable show.

Image | Dominic Ryland-Jones


Jade Noble is a worship leader and youth leader at Perry Rise Baptist Church, and a freelance writer



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