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New series highlights biblical reasons for hope 

Baptist minister and biblical scholar the Revd Dr Helen Paynter hopes viewers can gain a fresh perspective upon the great pains of this world by exploring scriptural themes and truths - and a stronger faith 

Why HopeIn a world which seems to be spiralling more rapidly into chaos with every passing year, what grounds can there possibly be for hope?

What grounds can we have for hope in these days? Can we move beyond wishful thinking without falling into utter pessimism?

In a new weekly series, Baptist minister and biblical scholar the Revd Dr Helen Paynter takes viewers through some of the chief biblical reasons for hope.

Helen says this is not 'a parade of inspirational Bible verses extracted from their context', but 'a deep dive into the rich and foundational truths of God's word, embedded in the rich themes and life-giving narrative of Scripture.'

In her introductory video, she goes into more detail by referencing Psalm 73. In this honest Psalm, the Psalmist speaks of his distress at people causing harm to others, and God seemingly not doing anything about it. He questions the point of believing in God while 'day by day, the miseries of this world mount up.'

'For many of us 2023 was a year when we did that,' says Helen, 'when we looked around and saw the pain and the woes of the world just continuing to increase almost week by week.

'Maybe 2023 caused you to say 'Where is God? Why is he allowing all this to happen?'

'It's an honest place to begin a year.' 

But the Psalmist doesn't end there, she continues - he enters the sanctuary of God and gains a fresh perspective.

'This is my hope and prayer for this series as we look together at scripture, as we bring the pains and the woes of the world into the light of what scripture teaches, that we will gain a fresh perspective upon it - a fresh hope, if you like.

'I'm going to be trying to dig into the deep themes and the deep truths of scripture, discovering again God's character and the way he acts - the truths that can hold us fast in difficult times.

'My hope and my prayer is that as we journey together this year if you accept this invitation that we will all find new reasons for hope.'

Helen plans to release a new video each week throughout 2024.

'Wherever life finds you right now, you are invited to join us for this year-long journey,' she continues.

'Through our engagement with his word, may God lead us all into a deeper understanding, a stronger faith, and a surer hope for God's promised future.'

The YouTube playlist can be found here

The Revd Dr Helen Paynter is Tutor in Biblical Studies at Bristol Baptist College. She is the founding director of the Centre for the Study of Bible and Violence 

You may also be interested to view Helen's lockdown Tour of the Bible



Baptist Times, 18/01/2024
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