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Collaborating on a national strategy that plays a part in reaching England for Jesus 

Alex Harris reports on a recent gathering of church planting leaders, hosted by The National Church Planting Network

NCPN Alex Harris

The National Church Planting Network seeks to bring denominations and streams together to better reach England for Jesus. It is thrilling to see Baptists right at the heart of this! In November, almost 60 church planting leaders from more 25 different denominations, streams, networks and groups spent a purposeful day united in prayer, relationship building, and to think strategically and expansively about what that could look like.

Conventional and classic church planting networks, historical denominations, new church networks, black and brown majority movements, micro-church and disciple-making movement leaders, fresh expressions, pioneers and more!

Anglican Bishop Ric Thorpe, Assemblies of God's Caroline Khoo-Millar and I steered the day, with Bishop Tedroy Powell of Church of God the Prophecy offering the Bible devotions.

NCPN Tedroy Powell

Three key desires emerged:

  • First, identifying, mentoring and developing outstanding network leaders who champion church planting and can lead multiplication growth was seen as a vital need generally not being met in our present models.
  • Second, collaborative research and information sharing was identified as an opportunity with many different groups having good research and information but so far with limited attempts to consolidate that.
  • Third, the potential of naming and pursuing a united overarching vision to make disciples from all people, in all places, by all means - even amidst the diversity both across and perhaps especially within our streams – as crucial if we are to see beyond our internal anxiety and instead fully serve the communities in front of us for Jesus.

I led sessions on leadership that multiplies, and on that greater vision of disciple-making that can bring collaboration across diversity of ethnicity, style, ethos, practice and theology. Caroline championed the need for shared research and open up ways to explore making more of what we already have.


It was thrilling to see this growing desire to collaborate together and appreciate each other across contexts, theologies and practices! And to see not only a Baptist presence but Baptists able to bring confidence to a national strategy that plays a part in reaching England for Jesus.


Some information from the day is available here: National Church Planting Network - CCX church planting.

Alex Harris is a regional minister with the Yorkshire Baptist Association with specific responsibilities for pioneering ministry and church planting. He is part of the NCPC organising committee alongside Ric Thorpe and Caroline Khoo-Millar 


Baptist Times, 06/02/2024
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