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Faith and Society Update - May 2024

Dear Friends

Pentecost is only a few weeks away.   I wonder, what are your expectations of this moment in the church calendar?  I wonder, what are your hopes for this moment in the life of the church?  What does Pentecost mean for you and your community?  Does Pentecost resonate through our every day, for everyone, wherever we may be?
Sorry, too many questions to ask as April turns into May!  Perhaps a better question would be, where and how are you seeing the Spirit of God move in your life today and through the life of your community, whether or not it’s Pentecost Sunday?
As we gather for Baptist Assembly over Pentecost weekend, we come together in expectation, hoping to answer that question for our movement, for our churches and for ourselves.
At Assembly we seek the movement of the Spirit of the Holy God as we talk together, reflect together, worship Father, Son and Holy Spirit, together in one place.  We are excited about the opportunity  to hear again the story of the first outpouring of the Spirit into the lives of the disciples and consider how we too might reach people everywhere with the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Do come and join us, come and say hello and let’s step out together in expectation and joy.

Every blessing

Diane, Hilary, Jane, Mary, Mat, Mike, Paul, Sharon, Steve and Wale
Faith and Society Team

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The Monthly Update is sent on the first Wednesday of every month to all ministers in Baptist Union of GB churches, church secretaries, church treasurers, regional teams and other subscribers.  If you would like to receive it by email, please subscribe by completing the 'Sign up to our newsletter' form below.
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