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Faith and Society Update - June 2024

MonthlyUpdate June2024Dear Friends

So, it’s just three weeks to go until the General Election! No wait! Don’t go!...

Phew, you’re still reading. I guess for all of us, the words ‘General Election’ might evoke a vast array of different emotions; excitement, despondency, anger, apathy, motivation, fear, nervousness. But despite all of this, we know many churches are fired up for engagement, ensuring people are registered and are neck deep in the admin of arranging a hustings to help congregation members and the wider public feel informed (Steve would love you to send stories and pictures!).

However you are feeling about the General Election, perhaps we can all agree that the decision made by the country on 4 July will cause some to be elated and others to be distraught (with every emotion in between), it will have consequences that will be felt by the wealthy and the poor, the powerful and the marginalized, those with faith and those with none – every corner of this nation will be impacted, and no doubt, communities across the world will be too. So as those called to seek the peace and wellbeing of the places into which we have been sent, we hope this election will not be ignored in our churches and that you will join us as we pray for all those willing to stand, and for God’s Spirit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control to be tangibly present in all the conversations we enable.

You will find below lots of resources and links that relate to the election alongside reports and updates on Assembly, Council, CLT and plenty more. We hope you will find much that will be a blessing to you and your church communities.

May you sense God’s presence in all you do. In the safe steps on a familiar road and in the courageous leaps into the unknown, may the Spirit enfold you and embolden you.

Be blessed, be a blessing.

Diane, Hilary, Jane, Mary, Mat, Mike, Paul, Sharon, Steve and Wale
Faith and Society Team

Please click here for the complete Update for June 2024.  If you would like to receive it by email, please subscribe by completing the 'Get regular news updates' form below.

The Monthly Update is sent on the first Wednesday of every month to all ministers in Baptist Union of GB churches, church secretaries, church treasurers, regional teams and other subscribers.  If you would like to receive it by email, please subscribe by completing the 'Sign up to our newsletter' form below.
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