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Interns' Gatherings

Interns' Gatherings are great opportunities to connect with interns across Baptist Union, share experiences and be encouraged.

As well as giving out welcome packs, access to a WhatsApp group and hosting online gatherings, this year we are looking forward to hosting an ‘Exploring Your Calling’ gathering alongside Baptist Assembly in May!

Isabella Senior will share some more information about these events closer to the time but please contact her if you are an intern, a line manager or have any questions. Below are the details of the upcoming gatherings.

Interns' gathering feedback
- 12 November 2024 from 6-7:30pm on Zoom
- 18 March 2025 from 6-7:30pm on Zoom

- 14-18 May 2025 in West Bromwich. ‘Exploring Your Calling’ gathering (14-16) combined with Baptist Assembly (16-17)
- Informal meetups at various events such as Fresh StreamsSatellites and Kairos youth camp.

When did this start and what are the gatherings like?

The first gathering was in January 2023. Isabella interviewed three former interns and we heard about how their internship year equipped them. You can read the full interview with Isabella. In the second Interns’ Gathering we talked about different types of ministry God might be calling interns to. There were breakout rooms for conversations about Creative Arts, Music, Pioneering, Youth & Children’s work, and Church Leadership. Interns also met up at Baptist Assembly in the summer and contributed to the programme with their insights and experiences.

The gatherings in 23/24 followed a similar pattern to the previous ones and interns also received welcome packs with some gifts at the start of their internship. They also connected via a WhatsApp group and met in person at the YHA Wilderhope Manor for Baptist Assembly in May and informally at Fresh Streams and summer festivals.

Follow @baptistyoungleaders on Instagram for updates. 
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