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London Church Attendance ‘Growing Fast’

Total attendance has jumped 16 per cent in seven years, from just over 620,000 in 2005 to just over 720,000 in 2012. Nowhere else in the UK has attendance grown so dramatically

While these numbers are across all denominations, the growth is especially seen in the Black Majority Church and immigrant churches.

The figures come from the London Church Census, commissioned by London City Mission and undertaken by the Brierley Consultancy.

However, the increase may not continue. Not all churches are growing, and over the next years total attendance could drop to just over 700,000.

Both of the main growing groups are doing so because many immigrants are coming to London, but not all immigrants stay in London.

Crossing London is the first united all-age London mission in the past 20 years for churches of all denominations, and responding to the figures Andy Frost its Mission Director, said, "We are very encouraged to see from this census that many hundreds of thousands of people still consider 'churchgoing' as an important part of their lives.

"We believe that there is a real spiritual hunger in London and indeed across the UK. While some models of 'church' and congregations might be changing as our culture changes, it remains vital for Christians to worship together, to share experiences and to support each other in their faith.”

He added, “Although the statistics show that church is still an important part of many lives, there is so much more to do, so many things we still need to pray about and work on if every man, woman and child in London is to be reached with the transforming message of Jesus.”

  • How may church growth among immigrants best be encouraged in other UK cities and urban areas?
  • Why is the church growing more rapidly among BMC and immigrant churches than traditional English denominations?
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    Posted: 26/02/2024