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Dissenting Descendants - Church from Scratch 

Church from Scratch (CFS), a highly distinctive Baptist church, was the topic of a presentation during the Assembly day conference 'Dissenting descendants' 

Ivan King (pictured), one of the leaders of Church from Scratch in Essex, began by offering participants an imaginary visit to one of the cell communities that form the church. He introduced a gathering of people who are committed to Jesus, to one another and to Southend but it was clear from his description that this group and the church it is part of are very unusual. 

The Home Mission-funded CFS, now in its 10th year, has chosen not to have a building or to hold Sunday services, instead choosing to organise itself around mission, community and its four key values.Dissenting descendants - Churc

Those who are committed to this new expression of church tend to be unfamiliar or uncomfortable with the culture of traditional church.  A high percentage are benefits claimants and over the years many newcomers have had issues with alcohol, drugs, debt or are ex-offenders. 

Starting from a handful of people in 2002, CFS has grown to 9 cell communities living in an area from Shoeburyness in the east to Basildon in the West.  Anyone can belong - there are no barriers to entry - the committed core of the church entering an annually renewable 'partnership' and agreeing to live by the church's values.

Ivan emphasised the relational nature of the church:  people living life together, not simply attending meetings.  Groups cook and eat together, help one another with the challenges of life, go on holiday, do mission and have fun. Such an open and loving approach has seen CFS grow largely by people joining from outside the church, with very few transfers-in. 

Following the presentation, Ivan responded to listeners' questions about such issues as the church's sustainability and whether CFS thought of itself as a template for 21st century church.

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    Posted: 26/02/2024