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Welcome for Parliament Syria Vote

Leaders from the Baptist Union of Great Britain (BUGB), the United Reformed Church (URC) and the Methodist Church in Britain have given thanks for the decision of the UK Parliament to reject military action in Syria

The House of Commons voted against supporting in principle action against Syrian President Bashar al- Assad’s government.

Following that result leaders from the three churches issued a statement welcoming the decision, once again stressing the need for both a diplomatic solution and an effective humanitarian response.

In the statement, signed by the Revd Stephen Keyworth, BUGB Faith and Society Team Leader, the Revd Roberta Rominger, General Secretary of the URC and the Revd Ruth Gee, President of the Methodist Conference, the leaders said, ‘We are thankful that our MPs carefully considered the difficult matter of military intervention in Syria - and decided to reject it.

‘Our prayers now are that all diplomatic means are used to bring government and opposition leaders to the negotiating table and that divided parties are encouraged to seek a future they can inhabit together.

‘We also urge that priority is given to a quick and effective humanitarian response to the thousands of Syrian people affected by the violence.’

Parliament had been recalled early to discuss the UK’s response to a suspected chemical attack near Damascus on 21 August.

Prior to the vote the Free Church leaders urged caution, praying that the nation’s response will be guided by the desire to achieve peace.

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    Posted: 26/02/2024