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Inter Faith engagement in the spotlight

Hundreds of organisations are holding events to mark the sixth Inter Faith Week, which began in England, Wales and Northern Ireland on Sunday (16 November).


There are several Baptist resources on inter faith engagement, including Inter Faith Journeys, where 13 people, who have been engaging in inter faith encounters, reflect on questions about their involvement in inter faith matters

Elsewhere local faith groups and inter faith organisations; schools, universities, colleges and other educational bodies; local authorities; youth organisations; emergency services; hospitals; businesses; voluntary organisations; and chaplaincies are all taking parts in some way during the week.

The week is endorsed by Baptists Together, while Andy Williams, chair of the Baptist Inter Faith Working Group has written a prayer.

Inter Faith Week aims to strengthen good inter faith relations at all levels; increase awareness of the different and distinct faith communities in the UK; and increase understanding between people of religious and non-religious beliefs.

There is no better way of celebrating the richness and diversity of faith in our country

This year it has a special focus on youth and intergenerational involvement in developing inter faith understanding and cooperation.

Reflecting this, Co-Chairs of the Inter Faith Network for the UK, the Rt Revd Richard Atkinson and Vivian Wineman, with Vice-Chair Venerable Bogoda Seelawimala, were joined by inter faith colleagues, practioners and young people of different faiths at the launch last week.

The Co-Chairs said, 'Inter faith understanding and cooperation are of year-round and ever growing importance but National Inter Faith Week provides a special time in the year when the spotlight falls on these issues.

Inter Faith Week launch300
The launch of Inter Faith Week

'It is a time when people in communities around the country highlight the significance of faith and the contribution that faith communities make to society.

'Young and old of all backgrounds get the chance to find out more about their neighbours’ faiths and beliefs and to discuss, debate, learn, contribute together to projects and celebrate their diversity.

'Finding commonalities, sharing what matters most deeply to us, asking questions, exploring differences of view – these are all part of the Week.

'We hope that as many people as possible will take the opportunity to join in one of the hundreds of events happening.'
Politicians are supportive of Inter Faith Week.

Prime Minister David Cameron said, 'Inter Faith Week is now a well-regarded fixture in the faith calendar and I am delighted it is going from strength to strength. The Week plays an important role in bringing together people, and I would encourage everyone to get behind this year's activities. There is no better way of celebrating the richness and diversity of faith in our country.'

Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg added, 'The week is a brilliant opportunity for people of different backgrounds to make new connections, find out more about each other and celebrate together the great multicultural society we have here in the UK.

'My best wishes to everyone involved in making Inter Faith Week what it is today. I hope many communities up and down the country will get involved to make this year another great success.'

A London Baptist Association day seminar exploring how inter faith engagement can be fruitful on Saturday (22 November) at Bloomsbury Central Church has been postponed. 


Visit the Inter Faith Week website: http://www.interfaithweek.org/

A map showing events is at http://www.interfaithweek.org/map

For more on Baptist inter faith engagement, including resources, visit: http://www.baptist.org.uk/Groups/220648/Inter_Faith_Engagement.aspx

Baptist Times, 17/11/2014
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