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Generous and committed but lacking mentors 

Giving, mentorship and finding a spouse are key concerns for Christian young adults, a new report has revealed

EA YoungAdult reportBuilding tomorrow’s Church today: the views and experiences of young adults in the UK Church, was published by the Evangelical Alliance and launched at a special event on board the HMS President, Victoria Embankment, London on Monday (26 October).

The report focuses on millennial Christians – those aged between 18 and 37. The young adults surveyed were committed church attenders, with 89 per cent attending church weekly, with another 10 per cent attending at least monthly.

Findings: generosity and frustrations

Despite living in cash-strapped times millennial Christians are extremely generous, the report found. A combined total of almost half (47 per cent) give away at least a tenth of their money. Black and Minority Ethnic Christians (BMEs) are markedly more generous – with 60 per cent giving away at least a tenth of their income, compared to 44 per cent of white British young adults.
The report also found that almost three quarters of respondents stated faith as the most important factor in the decisions they make. However, the research raises concerns that a quarter of young adults said that older people in their church struggle to relate with them and a fifth were thinking about leaving.

The survey also reveals several frustrations: the Church seems to be doing less well in helping young adults to find a marriage partner and develop leadership skills. Almost a third of respondents said they don’t have a Christian mentor, or a group of friends they are honest and accountable to about their life and faith and a third said their church was not really helping them to live out their faith at work.

Differences between white British and BME respondents

The research highlights fascinating differences between white British and BME respondents with white British respondents being consistently much less conservative in their views.
Areas of disparity include views on the authority of the Bible, evolution, homosexuality, cohabiting and marrying a non-Christian. Some 81 per cent of BMEs think cohabitation is not something an unmarried Christian couple should do compared to 63% of white British Christian millennials. A further 73 per cent of BME millennials believed that the Bible in its original manuscript is without error compared to 52% of white British young adults.
However, when the opportunity arose to talk about their faith, 81% of white British millennials had shared their faith in the last month compared to 61 per cent of BMEs.
Bible-reading seems to be less popular with millennials than prayer. Around 63 per cent of young adults surveyed are praying daily, while only a quarter are reading their Bibles every day.
The study, which also breaks down the statistics by gender, reveals that men are more likely to commit to a daily devotional than women (31 per cent v 23 per cent). There are no significant differences in prayer habits by ethnicity.

Teaching and where it comes from

The report states that less than half, (49 per cent), said that the teaching they find most benefits them is teaching from their church – meaning leaders cannot assume that it is their preaching that most influences millennials in their congregations.

It illustrates that other channels such as podcasts, online blogs and social media benefit them in their pursuit towards a closer relationship with God.


Steve Clifford, general director of the Evangelical Alliance, said, 'Our research proves that not all young adults are leaving the Church in droves. They are passionate about prayer, sharing their faith and giving. However there is still work to be done. It is concerning that millennials lack suitable mentors.
'Mentoring is the most effective tool we have in undoing past mistakes the Church has made and transferring wisdom gained over a lifetime. It is a privilege. Within each Christian leader is the potential for limitless reproduction. We can do this.'
Yemi Adedeji, director of the One People Commission of the Evangelical Alliance, said, 'Peer pressure is a huge reality for Christian millennials who can sometimes feel compelled to behave a certain way in order to fit in to student or work life.

'As church leaders we have a mandate to use the results of this survey to examine how we are engaging with young people and to consider how we can listen to the next generation and position them for success in every area of their lives.'


Baptist Times, 27/10/2015
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