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Open doors and open hearts 

Our role is not to be bouncers for the Kingdom – but to welcome everyone to their seat there! That was the message from General Secretary Lynn Green during the closing celebration. 

Closing celebration

Taking Luke 13:31-35 as her text, she focused on the ‘beautiful picture’ of the mother hen in these verses. ‘It gives us a moving and poignant insight into Jesus’ heart as he shows us the Father’s heart of compassion.’

God loves all people, not as a response to their affection, but because it is who he is. This image of the mother speaks of tenderness and a deep relational trust. The chicks know that under the wing is a good place, a safe place, a place to grow and be nurtured. 

It is an image still so relevant for us today, Lynn continued. We live among so many who are lost and disconnected from their creator - yet Jesus longs to gather all these people and welcome them home in His Kingdom. Referring to King-San Tan's earlier address, she said 'That's the groaning of the spirit - it's not as it should be.'

Lynn spoke about her sense in recent years that God is waiting for us to stop still long enough to get a word in edgeways. It's why she has been calling us to seek God in prayer since 2015. She believes that God is looking for people who will 'fling open the doors of their hearts and lives; people who will experience
the closeness of living under his wing.'

Because when we do, we in turn open wide the doors of our lives and His church. She said now is the time to welcome people into the Kingdom, because the door won't be open forever. She called on Baptists to have a greater sense of urgency. 'We need to seize the moment and not be left wondering what might have been. God loves and is longing for all people. Our role is not be bouncers for the Kingdom - but to be those who love, inspire, signpost, invite, pray and welcome everyone and show them to their seat in the kingdom!' 

Lynn concluded her address by talking about the fire God is breathing on his church. It's a fire that fills us and changes us, but sends us out too. 

She said that as she has been praying into the passage, a song has been in her heart with the refrain: 'Set a fire down in my soul, that I can't contain, that I can't control - I want more of you God.'

It has been her prayer in response, Lynn said, before leading delegates in a prayer of response using the song. 'We will use that song as a heart cry to God as we open our hearts and lives and churches to Him...'

Lynn was joined on stage by three colleagues as the session moved into prayer. Carl Smethurst, regional minister in the South West Baptist Association, led delegates in prayer for our cities and communities, and Thy Kingdom Come.' 

Baptist evangelist Kwame Adzam prayed for fruitfulness, that people might come to know Jesus. 

Majorie Allan, who leads The Well in Sheffield with husband Nick, prayed for leaders, and the raising up of new leaders. Following Marjorie's prayer, delegates were invited to receive prayer at the front of the stage. 

Baptist Times, 14/05/2018
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