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‘Here I am. Send me!’

Ministers, pastors and preachers who have recently transferred to the fully accredited list, and mission personnel heading overseas this year were recognised and blessed on Saturday night

Saturday night

A key part of Baptist Assemblies, General Secretary Lynn Green explained that 'we want to welcome them, commission them and pray for them as they continue to respond to God’s call.'  

It is always 'a holy ground moment,' she added. 

Delegates were also invited to rededicate their lives to Christ. 'It can be a holy ground moment for us all tonight, in God's presence,' Lynn continued.

Prior to the commissioning, she read Isaiah 6: 1-8, which concludes: ‘Here I am. Send me!’

Lynn and BMS World Mission General Director Kang-San Tan read the names of each of those being commissioned, grouped by Association, and invited them to the stage.

When everyone was gathered, new President Hayley Young led the promises for those being commissioned, and for everyone else (see words below). All those being commissioned were then personally thanked by Lynn, Kang-San, and Hayley.  

Some of our Associations have created a video celebrating the new ministers in their area - access them here. Lynn invited us to watch them to be 'inspired about how God has blessed our Baptist family - and pray for each one.' 

Commissioning words for those recently transferred as Fully Accredited Ministers, Pastors, Preachers and Mission Personnel

Questions to the Congregation 

Do you promise to play your part in God's mission through the Baptist family? 

God being our helper, we do. 

Do you promise to prayerfully support and encourage these sisters and brothers as they play their part in God's mission through the Baptist family? 
God being our helper, we do. 

Questions to those being Commissioned 

As Baptists Together, we commit ourselves to being a movement led by the Spirit of God: 

we will seek God's will and purpose; 

celebrating diversity, 

we will value, trust and respect one another in Christ; 

being serious about discipleship, 

we will embrace adventure and risk-taking faith in our faithful God; 

following the Servant King, 

we will be generous of spirit, encouraging and inspiring one another to be all that God created us to be; 

seeking God's kingdom, 

we will hunger and thirst after his righteousness, 
confronting evil and praying for the grace 
to live the life of God's coming Kingdom now. 

These are our hopes and these are our clear intentions 

come, Lord Jesus, 
come save your people 
that we might live and proclaim good news for all your world.

Watch the commissioning from around 46 minutes:


Baptist Times, 16/05/2022
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