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Baptist Small Church Hubs 

Hubs enable smaller Baptist churches to meet for training, resourcing and general encouragement. Two have already taken place, with more planned. Hilary Taylor explains more

Small churches

We are stronger together

Across Baptists Together there are approximately 1000 smaller churches (less than 40 members) and many are doing amazing things to make Jesus known in the community, such as:

  • Being part of the local Winter Night Shelter project
  • Being a storeroom and/or distribution centre for local foodbank
  • Running drop-in coffee and cake / clothes / toys for refugees and asylum seekers
  • Running after school clubs to support families through the cost of living crisis
  • Running ‘English as a second language’ classes 
  • Offering warm spaces this autumn
However, some smaller churches would love to reach out but are needing encouragement, especially after Covid. That’s where Small Church Hubs can help.   

The idea of a ‘Hub’ is to be a centre for smaller churches to meet for training, resourcing, celebrations and discussion, held in a building, (of a small or large church) which has a car park (and/or near a station) and good facilities which are openhearted and welcoming. To meet, talk, pray, listen and dream about how God wants His church to reach out to those who are lost. To work together on projects and to share expertise.

Hubs can be anywhere in the country, to be a centre for the local churches who can reach the hub building in about 30-45 minutes.

Hopes for the Hubs

  • To enable smaller churches to regularly network across a geographical area and access a range of events and resources to promote health, well-being and growth, promoting interdependence as the Body of Christ.
  • To challenge, motivate and encourage small churches in their unique ministry and mission so that people can meet Jesus and be saved.
  • For small churches to share together how God is working in and through them, and where appropriate, to share this good practice further afield as well
  • To ensure that small churches are not forgotten or overlooked but included and valued as part of the wider Baptist family

Some ideas…

  • Celebrations
  • Workshops on various topics eg gifting, sharing faith etc
  • Safeguarding training
  • Discussions eg. The changing shape of church, How do we reach our Community? To ask ‘What is in your hand? Who have you got? How are you gifted? What are you passionate about? We need to be having these conversations and embracing adventure in this new and uncertain post-Covid world.
  • Specific knowledge sessions eg How to run a coffee shop, how to set up a Renew Wellbeing café etc
  • Sharing stories and experience, in-house and across Baptists Together
  • Sharing resources (online or paper) and skills, gifts and talents within each hub

StotfoldBC Hub1There have been two Small Church Hubs set up so far, with many other people interested across the country. One is in King’s Church, Stotfold, Bedfordshire (CBA) and the other is in Eastern Avenue Baptist Church, Chadwell Heath, Essex (LB).

Both hubs were well attended by four churches (although other churches were invited) and enjoyed the Gifting Workshop event. The workshop was to identify their primary spiritual gift (Ephesians 4:12) and to discuss how this works in practice in gifting groups. This meant that everyone got to know the others in their group and many ideas were shared.

It was also good to pray together and have the opportunity to prophesy over each other. The session was really appreciated in both hubs and everyone was keen to meet again several times a year for different events.

Here are some comments from the attendees:

“Good to begin to get to know others on the same wavelength with a similar heart – Thank you.”
“Great event and initiative”
“Excellent time together for teaching and nourishment”
“Our sincere thanks to the organisers of this event”
“Great to make a start as a hub”
“Thought provoking and encouraging”

The next hub launch is on Saturday 21 January at Totteridge Baptist Church, High Wycombe (CBA).


If you would like to explore the idea of a small church hub in your area, please contact Hilary Taylor 

We also have an area of our website dedicated to smaller churches, where more information on hubs and much more can be found



Baptist Times, 11/11/2022
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