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'Christ is with us' - General Secretary's message 

'God is at work in wonderful ways in and through Baptists Together – let’s not lose sight of that in the face of our challenges.' So said General Secretary Lynn Green as she shared reflections during the BUGB session on Saturday afternoon at the Baptist Assembly  

Lynn Green1 (1)

Lynn highlighted some of the challenges we are facing, before taking Ephesians 4:4-6 as her text to express different ways God is working through us - and remind delegates that Christ is 'over all, through all and in all.' 

Our biggest challenges all relate to 'grappling with what it means to be faithful disciples and churches at the moment', said Lynn.
Every day we have to live with the impacts of secularisation, global instability, economic pressure, climate change and the rise of Artificial Intelligence.

As Baptists Together we have felt the impact most keenly in two areas over the past year. Firstly, in responding to a question that has been asked from the grassroots about Accredited Ministry and Marriage. We are currently in the middle of a consultation with members of Assembly which will enable Council to respond in 2024. Lynn encouraged churches and ministers to participate. 'We really want to hear from as many as possible as we consider this question,' she said. 

The second key impact over this past year has been our Financial Model Review. This project aims to help us clarify how we work together most effectively, how we steward and share the resources that we currently have and how we encourage new income streams to release more missional initiatives and support.  

To help us reflect on this, Lynn said she had been drawn to Ephesians 4:4-6 in recent months.

In the face of our challenges, we remember that we worship the Living God, and that Christ is over all.

Lynn Christ Over All

'We need to see and face our challenges in perspective,' said Lynn. 'We need to see all that we are grappling with in the light of our infinite God and His overarching purposes for the whole of creation. And to seek Him in humility as we face the challenge of what it means to be faithful disciples and churches at this moment in time.'

1248039Christ is through all, and this means celebrating God at work among us! There are so many different ways that God is at work amongst us, some of which are reflected in the latest Together magazine and Annual Report

Lynn proceeded to highlight Barnwell Baptist Church in Cambridge and its plant at Marleigh. Barnwell is not a large nor wealthy church – about 50 members, but they have a big vision and big faith.

When they heard that there was going to be a new development of 1300 homes near to them10 years ago, they began praying and seeking God.

Now the church has been able to buy a house in Marleigh and call a pioneer minister, Catrin Horrex, who is already developing community and mission as the development is being built.

'The ways the Lord has provided the resources they've needed to fulfil God’s vision has been nothing short of miraculous!' said Lynn.

'This is such a fantastic and inspiring story of mission being worked out on the ground - and there are so many more!' 

Other ways in which God is at work doing other new things among us include a whole host of regional appointments. Lynn said she was particularly encouraged by the marked increase in the numbers of women being called and also by the new patterns of leadership emerging. Two of our Colleges, two of our Associations and one of our Specialist Teams are now served by co-leaders working together.

In addition, a cohort of 31 young missional leaders will be heading to a Global Baptist Mission Summit in Norway. Not only will they be blessed by participating at the conference, they are also engaging with an ongoing learning community so that they can develop and implement insights gained.

'God is at work in wonderful ways in and through Baptists Together – let’s not lose sight of that in the face of our challenges.'

Finally, said Lynn, in the face of our challenges, 'we remember that Christ is in all. He is with us.'

She highlighted the moment in John 20 when Jesus stands among his disciples and says, “Peace be with you”, before adding, 'In the midst of all the change and uncertainty and disagreement and our fear of failure.. Jesus says, “Peace be with you!”.

But he doesn't stop there, because He sends the Holy Spirit. 

'Even though we cannot fully grasp the fullness of God,' said Lynn, 'Even as we experience both decline and fruitfulness… Even though we struggle and disagree and are afraid…

'Jesus is with us; He is sending us and He is empowering us by His Spirit.'

She continued, 'Christ is over all, through all and in all. And it is this sure and certain hope that calls us on as we keeping working out what it means to be faithful disciples and churches at the moment.

'Empowered by the Holy Spirit we press on, following Jesus together into another year, trusting that Christ is over all, through all and in all.'


Baptist Times, 21/06/2023
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