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Small Church Connexion at the Baptist Assembly

It was great to be at the Baptist Assembly in Telford and meet up with people from all over the country, writes Hilary Taylor.

There were many conversations about delegates' smaller churches and how to encourage and resource each other more effectively

Small Church Connexion Stand aI asked leaders/members of smaller churches three questions:

  • What is the best thing about your church?
  • What is the greatest challenge?
  • What do you need to fulfil your mission to make disciples? Matthew 28:18-20

Unsurprisingly, the answer by most people to the first question was about the friendly, family relationships within the church, and the wellbeing café outreach.

The greatest challenges were about time, age, lack of volunteers and how to reach the community.

It was felt that many things were needed to fulfil the Great Commission such as more prayer, more people, a youth worker and to set up a renew wellbeing café. It was felt that there were outreach opportunities but courage was needed to step out and take them.

The Hub story so far…

Since October 2022, we have so far planted seven Small Church Hubs across four Associations, with four more planned for the autumn. These are places where local small churches come together for training, events, celebrations and resourcing.

We still would like to see more hubs in small or large church buildings, which have a car park (or are near a station) and good facilities which are openhearted and welcoming.

Let’s make the opportunities to meet, talk, pray, listen and dream about how God wants his church to reach out to those who are lost. To ask ‘What is in your hand? Who have you got? How are they gifted? What are they passionate about?

We need to be having these conversations and embracing adventure in this new and uncertain post-Covid world.   
At the Assembly, four more people registered their interest in being hub hosts.

If you would like to explore the idea of your church being a hub, do contact Hilary Taylor.  

Small Church Connexion

An opportunity within the Small Church Connexion that might interest you…
The National Small Church Connexion Team overseeing the work and development of Small Church Hubs across the country are really encouraged by the response so far and of the gathering sense of momentum to support small churches.

There is a serving opportunity, for a person/people, passionate about small churches, to join the National Team in a voluntary capacity, to oversee the work with the Small Church Hubs around the country.

The role includes regular communication by email and onsite visits where possible to gather smaller churches for training, resourcing, discussion and fellowship locally – helping support local churches in fulfilling their mission to make Jesus known.

To apply and for further details, contact: Hilary Taylor hilary.taylor@tiscali.co.uk 

Hilary Taylor heads the National Small Church Connexion team. Find out more about Hubs via the Smaller Churches area of our website.


Baptist Times, 04/07/2023
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