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Baptists Together Churches and Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC)

The Baptist Union of Great Britain provides building related guidance for Baptists Together churches through our website and Support Services Team. Our Guideline Leaflet PC03 recommends churches have their buildings inspected on a regular basis by a suitably qualified person, architect or building surveyor. Inspection is the first step in assessing any issues including the presence of RAAC.

A professional view on the condition of the concrete should follow if RAAC is considered present. If the condition is poor a Structural Engineer should be engaged to inspect and comment on the appropriate way of managing the concrete elements. The Structural Engineer recommendations should then be followed which may involve regular monitoring or remedial work. Further information about inspections can be found in our PC03 leaflet.

Churches must also ensure that the providers of their buildings insurance are made aware of the presence of RAAC should it be suspected or confirmed.

Click here for further government guidance.

Click here for further guidance from the Church of England.

Friday 13 October 2023


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