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Baptist minister Nathan McGuire joins JPIT 

We are delighted to announce that Baptist minister Nathan McGuire has been appointed by the Methodist Church as the new Campaigns and Church Engagement Officer in our Joint Public Issues Team (JPIT)

Nathan McGuireNathan has long demonstrated a deep care for others and expresses his faith through loving action.

Born and raised in South London, he came to faith at sixth form college before working as a Domestic Violence Prevention Practitioner at London’s leading charity, the Domestic Violence Intervention Project from 2009 to 2017.

In 2017 Nathan made the transition to become a Baptist minister. He joined the ministry team at Streatham Baptist Church and achieved accreditation in 2019.

Nathan actively engages in seeking justice, providing support to migrants and has volunteered with Peaceful Borders in Calais. He seeks to empower and assist local communities in advocating for marginalised people.

He also continues to contribute as a trustee and consultant at Restored, a Christian charity committed to eradicating violence against women within Christian communities.

As JPIT's Campaigns and Church Engagement Officer, Nathan Nathan will be working alongside our public issues enabler, Steve Tinning and the other members of the ecumenical team to help church members across Britain to engage and organise around public issues. This will involve communicating JPIT's work on campaigns such as Reset the DebtConstituency Action Network, and Net Zero in My Neighbourhood.

Nathan said, 'I strongly believe that the collaborative efforts of Christians across Christian traditions are crucial in addressing the increasing injustice in our world. In a time when the world is becoming more polarised and unjust, the need for ecumenical partnerships to combat these issues is greater than ever.

'I consider it a privilege to be part of the JPIT team and to contribute to the integral mission Christ calls us all to.' 

Steve Tinning, our Baptist Union's public issues enabler, added, 'I am absolutely delighted with Nathan’s appointment to work alongside me and our Methodist and URC colleagues in JPIT.

'It’s such a key role in our work and to have God fill it with a Baptist minister with such gifts and passion for His justice is extremely exciting.

'I hope I can depend on all Baptists to get behind Nathan in prayer as together we engage in developing campaigns that will enable our churches, and those they serve on the margins, to find their voices, both powerfully and graciously, in the public square.' 

The Joint Public Issues Team (JPIT) is a partnership between the Baptist Union of Great Britain, the Methodist Church, and the United Reformed Church.

The purpose of JPIT is to help the Churches to work together for peace and justice through listening, learning, praying, speaking and acting on public policy issues.


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