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Lynn Green reflecting on 'when leading is difficult' video series

Our General Secretary Lynn Green, in collaboration with The Fuelcast has produced three short videos reflecting on when leading is difficult, offering helpful insight and reflection for these times. Further details on each video are available below along with download links to share in church:

Part 1 'I am with you always' - Lynn reflects on the difficulties that come with leadership. What are the challenges and setbacks you are facing right now? The promise of Jesus is that he is always with us, so let us trust and rest in his presence. Download here.

Part 2 ' I will build my church' - When others see and experience Church, is it a living and vibrant community of love and faith? Lynn asks if there's a possibility that our churches have been created for a purpose that is not being fulfilled. Download here

Part 3 'The arrow'- Lynn wonders if we can sometimes be so preoccupied with all our activity for God, that we fail to see the pointing arrow of his call and guidance - to listen, being poised and ready to hear and respond. Download here

Friday 24 November 2023


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